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Where to apply mDNS profile? What are differences where it is applied?

Level 1
Level 1

mDNS profile can by applied on:

1) interfaces

2) interface groups

3) wlans

4) guest lans

5) local policies

6) selected AP (on selected AP there is mDNS snooping and VLAN mappings button) I understand this choice is mDNS AP feature

So we have 6 choices. 4 and 5 is not interesting for me.

What I don't understand is:

What is the minimal place where the profile has to be applied for Bonjour, mDNS working for printers, appletv and so on ?

What does it mean if I apply the profile to just interface ?

What does it mean if I apply the profile to just interface group ?

What does it mean if I apply the profile to combination of interface and interface group ?

What does it mean if I apply the profile to just wlan ?

What does it mean if I apply the profile to combination of interface and wlan ?

What does it mean if I apply the profile to combination of interface, interface group and wlan ?

What does it mean if I apply the profile to JUST selected one AP ?

What does it mean if I apply the profile to any combination of interface, interface group, wlan or even all of them on one side and selected one AP on other hand ?

What are consequences to apply the profile to these combination between each other ?

What is the minimum and what is the best practice ?

I do not find any explanation for this question, just only how configure mDNS but nothing about consequences of combination ...

8 Replies 8

Scott Fella
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

There are great guides out there fir mDNS on AireOS and for the 9800's, you didn't specify what controller your have, nor how your wireless is setup.  There are different suggested configurations for mDNS based on if your ap's are in local mode, flexconnect, local switching or central switching, if you need an ap at a remote site to act as an mDNS gateway, et.c.   The guides will show you the basics of where to configure mDNS for your type of design.  

You should also search online on your controller type and look at some blogs or videos.  These will be short and quick on what you can do to get mDNS working.  The guides can be long and boring at times, but can explain better each of your question you had.  

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WLC 2504 AireOS

The question is general basic, it is not about my setup. Ok local mode for the beginning.

All these great guides does not give me answers for my questions. Nothing about consequences of combinations.

Well you need to look a bit deeper into your questions.  For one, you can have multiple SSIDs mapped to an interface, so do you want a specific WLAN to only perform mDNS or would you prefer to configure mDNS on the interface or interface group so that all WLAN's mapped to them are configured for mDNS?  These are not options per say, but how you and where you want mDNS.  There might be a flat network that only require mDNS on the interface as a good example, so you never really use interface groups or WLAN's because all your WLAN's would be mapped to that interface.  Or you can just want a certain interface to support mDNS because all your bonjour devices are on that vlan/subnet/interface.  It's about how you have your network designed and what you want to do, will dictate what and how you will configure mDNS.

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Ok, it is just flat network.

Network Schema:

                                                            iPhone1 )))) (((( Meraki AP vlan 8                                     Apple TV vlan 9

                                                                                            | access                                                  / access

iPhone 2 )))) (((( Cisco AP(localmode, vlan ----access---- Meraki router (SVI vlan 8,9) ---trunk--- C1000 ---trunk--- WLC2504 (management iface in vlan 8, WLAN SSID for iPhones mapped to VLAN9)

                                                                                            | trunk

                                                                                    HP switch --access-- HP printer vlan 9

You also should have mDNS on your Meraki MX, have you tried that also?  As far as wireless, seems like you can just enable mDNS on the interfaces.

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Yes I have tried and it gives me really bad results. I have to disable bonjour rules in meraki otherwise I could not print at all.

As far as wireless, seems like you can just enable mDNS on the interfaces. --- this is what I try to understand, why "just on the interfaces" Why not "just wlan" ?

Why not just enable it on both then and test?  It's not going to hurt, what I was explaining is why you enable mDNS on specific locations and why.  just enable it and hopefully it works for you.

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I asked for meanings. Your answer just enable on both and try. It does not help us to understand consequences if you configure here so result can be this, if this combination the result is this.

At least try to help me to know answers for this:

What is the minimal place where the profile has to be applied for Bonjour, mDNS working for printers, appletv and so on ?

What does it mean if I apply the profile to just interface ?

What does it mean if I apply the profile to just Wlan ?

What does it mean if I apply the profile to combination of interface and Wlan ?

What is the minimum and what is the best practice ?

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