I'm trying to get a cert loaded on my 5508 WLC running so when a Web-Auth users tries to authenticate they don't get the SSL cert error.
In the document "Generate CSR for Third−Party Certificates and
Download Chained Certificates to the WLC"
Document ID: 109597 it states the following
"Note: It is important that you provide the correct Common Name. Ensure that the host name that is
used to create the certificate (Common Name) matches the Domain Name System (DNS) host name
entry for the virtual interface IP on the WLC and that the name exists in the DNS as well. Also, after
you make the change to the VIP interface, you must reboot the system in order for this change to take
Here are my questions.
1. I have always had as the address of the Virtual interface, should that change or can I leave it as
2. In the "DNS Host Name" Field do I simply put the domain or the FQDN? Example. Company.com or hostname.company.com