ā08-23-2011 02:45 AM
I'm having problems with the vrf license in ios-xr. I have installed the VRF license and it seems to be working. But when i commit the vrf config the following error message appears in the logbuffer;
%LICENSE-ASR9K_LICENSE-2-INFRA_VRF_NEEDED : 1 VRF(s) are configured without a valid license / license configuration A9K-iVRF-LIC in violation of the S...
Some outputs from the router;
sh license
FeatureID: A9K-iVRF-LIC (Slot based, Permanent)
Total licenses 1
Available for use 1
Allocated to location 0
Active 0
Store name Permanent
Store index 1
Pool: Owner
Total licenses in pool: 1
Status: Available 1 Operational: 0
sh license log administration
#ID :SDR :FeatureID :NodeID :Time: Log
1 :Owner :None :0/RSP0/CPU0:Thu May 19 14:16:07 2011: License add successful for feature(s): "A9K-iVRF-LIC" License command "license add disk0:/xxx.lic sdr Ow
sh license log operational
29 :Owner :A9K-iVRF-LIC :0/1/CPU0 :Tue Aug 23 10:52:12 2011: license_acquire: opaque_string (null), result('License Manager' detected the 'warning' condition 'No such license')
I really dont understand what the trouble is all about. Any ideas?
Solved! Go to Solution.
ā07-13-2013 11:08 AM
Hi Renato,
yeah cool you found the reference. This restriction will be lifted in XR 5 dot something (dunno the precise release), just fyi.
You could static pin the satellite interfaces you want to bundle to a single 10G uplink maybe? and leave the remainder that dont need to be bundled in an ICL bundle of 3?
ā07-13-2013 11:52 AM
Could you provide a sample of this configuration because I don't think I got your point.
Thank you !
ā07-13-2013 01:55 PM
Ok, lets say you want to use ports 0-9 on your satellite to create bundles, which means they can't be part of an ICL bundle. Then do the following:
router(config)# interface TenGigabitEthernet 0/1/0/0
router(congig)# ipv4 point-to-point
router(config)# ip unnumbered Loopback 1000
router(config)# nv satellite-fabric-link satellite 100
router(config)# remote-ports GigabitEthernet 0/0/0-9
So now we have static pinned the ports 0 to 9 to tengig 0/1/0/0, which menas we can bundle the sat ports 0-9
as normal.
Now we can take 3 other tengigs and make them a 3 member bundle:
router(config)# interface TenGigabitEthernet 0/2/0/1
router(config)# bundle id 10 mode on
Under the bundle ethernet we define the other sat ports to be linked:
router(config)# interface Bundle-Ethernet 10
router(config)# ipv4 point-to-point
router(config)# ip unnumbered Loopback 1000
router(config)# nv satellite-fabric-link satellite 200
router(config)# remote-ports GigabitEthernet 0/0/0/10-39
ā07-13-2013 02:17 PM
I see, that could be a solution but it also means that I'm wasting a 10-GE interface and if this interface goes down, my bundle interface will also go down, right?
Thank you
ā07-13-2013 02:20 PM
Correct indeed Renato, if the Ten 0/1/0/0 goes down then you lose all those ports it serves, there is no ICL redundancy in that case.
One thing though is that I am recofnirming with our SAT development we can do bundled and non-bundled ICL as that was a restriction in XR42.1 when SAT came out. I'll let you know when I have confirmation on that.
ā07-13-2013 02:58 PM
Thank you Alexander !
ā07-14-2013 04:44 AM
Hi Renato, confirmed, you can do this trick of bundled with non bundled ICL's starting XR4.3.0.
ā07-15-2013 06:27 AM
Thank you Alexander for your help, I'm gonna test it today ! Do you have any ideia when Cisco will realease the IOS-XR with a fix to this problem?
ā07-16-2013 04:52 PM
Hello Alexander,
I would like to thank you for all your help ! I tested the configuration you recommended and it worked fine.
Renato Reis
ā07-16-2013 08:15 PM
hi renato,
thanks very much for confirming, generally I dont hear when things work, so it is very awesome to hear that the trick did the trick
ā07-23-2013 05:21 PM
Hello Alexander,
It's me again ! Have you ever tested if the interfaces go down when you change the remote ports range?
thanks !
ā07-24-2013 05:31 AM
Hi Renato,
yes this is expected, the ports that are (un)configured will have a state change. Example:
interface TenGigE0/2/0/0
satellite-fabric-link satellite 100
remote-ports GigabitEthernet 0/0/0-43
Changing the range to 0-9 will down all ports 10-43.
Changing the range back to 0-43 will enable all ports 10-43 and puts them in admin down state.
ā02-07-2020 04:03 AM
In my case the the license is tsill showing Available only , it is still not active after using commnds mentioned by you
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