10-09-2018 06:13 AM - edited 10-10-2018 07:14 AM
I have installed CSM 3.5.2 and it is working fine with IOS-XR devices but I have problems while accessing devices running IOS-XE.
The strange thing is that when I create the new host and I do a reachability test it works(green text) but when I try to execute any command or retrieve the inventory fails(read text). After trying that I did a reachability test again and it does not work anymore.
This the error message while I am trying to execute a pre upgrade customed command profile.
If I test a ssh session from the same machine and the same user credentials it works fine. Any well know bug in condor library ?
Best Regards
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/csm/csmserver/work_units/install_work_unit.py", line 95, in start
handler_class = get_install_handler_class(ctx)
File "/usr/local/csm/csmserver/handlers/loader.py", line 74, in get_install_handler_class
File "/usr/local/csm/csmserver/handlers/loader.py", line 48, in discover_platform_info
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/condoor/connection.py", line 252, in connect
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/condoor/connection.py", line 355, in reconnect
raise excpt
ConnectionTimeoutError: Connection timeout
2018-10-10 15:58:21,178 condoor.connection:reconnect(290): --------------------
2018-10-10 15:58:21,179 condoor.connection:reconnect(291): Condoor Version 1.0.17
2018-10-10 15:58:21,179 condoor.connection:reconnect(292): Cache filename: /tmp/condoor.1.0.17
2018-10-10 15:58:21,183 condoor.device:make_driver(323): Make Device: ssh://csm@x.x.x.x:22 with Driver: generic
2018-10-10 15:58:21,183 condoor.device:driver_name(308): Driver generic
2018-10-10 15:58:21,183 condoor.connection:reconnect(295): Connecting
2018-10-10 15:58:21,183 condoor.connection:_clear_cache(220): Clearing connection cache
2018-10-10 15:58:21,183 condoor.connection:_get_key(187): Cache key: [ssh://csm@x.x.x.x:22]
2018-10-10 15:58:21,198 condoor.device:device_info(85): Update: [ssh://csm@x.x.x.x:22] is_target<-True
2018-10-10 15:58:21,199 condoor.device:device_info(85): Update: [ssh://csm@x.x.x.x:22] family<-ASR900
2018-10-10 15:58:21,199 condoor.device:device_info(85): Update: [ssh://csm@x.x.x.x:22] os_version<-03.18.03.SP.156-2.SP3-ext
2018-10-10 15:58:21,199 condoor.device:device_info(85): Update: [ssh://csm@x.x.x.x:22] hostname<-pe03
2018-10-10 15:58:21,199 condoor.device:device_info(85): Update: [ssh://csm@x.x.x.x:22] platform<-ASR-920
2018-10-10 15:58:21,199 condoor.device:device_info(85): Update: [ssh://csm@x.x.x.x:22] driver_name<-XE
2018-10-10 15:58:21,199 condoor.device:driver_name(304): Driver change generic -> XE
2018-10-10 15:58:21,200 condoor.device:make_driver(323): Make Device: ssh://csm@x.x.x.x:22 with Driver: XE
2018-10-10 15:58:21,200 condoor.device:device_info(85): Update: [ssh://csm@x.x.x.x:22] is_console<-False
2018-10-10 15:58:21,200 condoor.device:device_info(85): Update: [ssh://csm@1x.x.x.x:22] mode<-global
2018-10-10 15:58:21,200 condoor.device:device_info(85): Update: [ssh://csm@x.x.x.x:22] os_type<-XE
2018-10-10 15:58:21,201 condoor.device:device_info(85): Update: [ssh://csm@x.x.x.x:22] udi<-{'description': 'Cisco ASR920 Series - 12GE and 2-10GE - AC model', 'pid': 'ASR-920-12CZ-A', 'sn': 'CAT2210
U1FW', 'vid': 'V03', 'name': 'Chassis'}
2018-10-10 15:58:21,201 condoor.chain:update(169): Device information updated -> [ssh://csm@x.x.x.x:22]
2018-10-10 15:58:21,201 condoor.connection:description_record(854): Connection information updated from cache.
2018-10-10 15:58:21,201 condoor.connection:_read_cache(212): Read cached information.
2018-10-10 15:58:21,201 condoor.connection:description_record(844): Connection information cleared
2018-10-10 15:58:21,201 condoor.connection:_clear_cache(223): Description record: {'connections': [{'chain': [{'platform': None, 'driver_name': 'XE', 'is_console': False, 'mode': 'global', 'family': None,
'os_version': None, 'os_type': None, 'udi': None, 'hostname': 'pe03', 'is_target': True}]}], 'last_chain': 0}
2018-10-10 15:58:21,201 condoor.connection:_get_key(187): Cache key: [ssh://csm@x.x.x.x:22]
2018-10-10 15:58:21,203 condoor.connection:_write_cache(204): Connection information cached: 6afb139e4e0f5c73b06b0e54eaf16521
2018-10-10 15:58:21,203 condoor.connection:emit_message(592): Connection chain 1/1: ssh://csm@x.x.x.x:22
2018-10-10 15:58:21,203 condoor.connection:emit_message(592): Trying to (re)connect within 120 seconds
2018-10-10 15:58:21,203 condoor.connection:emit_message(592): Connection chain/attempt [1/1]
2018-10-10 15:58:21,203 condoor.connection:emit_message(592): Connecting ssh://csm@x.x.x.x:22
2018-10-10 15:58:21,203 condoor.controller:spawn_session(50): Spawning command: 'ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o LogLevel=ERROR -2 -p 22 csm@x.x.x.x'
2018-10-10 15:58:21,214 condoor.controller:spawn_session(62): Child process FD: 12
2018-10-10 15:58:21,214 condoor.controller:spawn_session(68): Terminal window size changed from 24x80 to 512x240
2018-10-10 15:58:21,214 condoor.controller:set_session_log(82): Setting the session log
2018-10-10 15:58:21,214 protocols.ssh:connect(80): EXPECTED_PROMPT='(?P<hostname>[\\w\\-\\_\\=\\+]+)(\\([^()]*\\))?[#|>]'
2018-10-10 15:58:21,215 condoor.fsm:run(162): SSH-CONNECT Start
2018-10-10 16:00:21,306 condoor.fsm:run(186): E=9,S=0,T=120,RT=120.09
2018-10-10 16:00:21,306 condoor.fsm:call_action(31): A=Send text line to the controller.
2018-10-10 16:00:21,607 condoor.fsm:run(203): NS=5,NT=10
2018-10-10 16:00:31,617 condoor.fsm:run(186): E=9,S=5,T=10,RT=10.01
2018-10-10 16:00:31,618 condoor.fsm:run(192): A=Exception Connection timeout
2018-10-10 16:00:31,618 condoor.device:disconnect(184): Disconnecting: ssh://csm@x.x.x.x:22
2018-10-10 16:00:31,618 condoor.controller:disconnect(108): Disconnecting the sessions
2018-10-10 16:00:31,719 condoor.controller:disconnect(114): Disconnected
2018-10-10 16:00:31,719 condoor.connection:emit_message(592): Connection error: Connection timeout
2018-10-10 16:00:31,719 condoor.connection:emit_message(592): Time elapsed 131s/120s
2018-10-10 16:00:31,720 condoor.connection:emit_message(592): Unable to (re)connect within 131s
2018-10-10 16:00:31,720 condoor.connection:_clear_cache(220): Clearing connection cache
2018-10-10 16:00:31,720 condoor.connection:_get_key(187): Cache key: [ssh://csm@x.x.x.x:22]
2018-10-10 16:00:31,721 condoor.device:device_info(85): Update: [ssh://csm@x.x.x.x:22] is_target<-True
2018-10-10 16:00:31,722 condoor.device:device_info(85): Update: [ssh://csm@x.x.x.x:22] family<-None
2018-10-10 16:00:31,722 condoor.device:device_info(85): Update: [ssh://csm@x.x.x.x:22] os_version<-None
2018-10-10 16:00:31,722 condoor.device:device_info(85): Update: [ssh://csm@x.x.x.x:22] hostname<-pe03
2018-10-10 16:00:31,722 condoor.device:device_info(85): Update: [ssh://csm@x.x.x.x:22] platform<-None
2018-10-10 16:00:31,722 condoor.device:device_info(85): Update: [ssh://csm@x.x.x.x:22] driver_name<-XE
2018-10-10 16:00:31,722 condoor.device:driver_name(308): Driver XE
2018-10-10 16:00:31,722 condoor.device:device_info(85): Update: [ssh://csm@x.x.x.x:22] is_console<-False
2018-10-10 16:00:31,722 condoor.device:device_info(85): Update: [ssh://csm@x.x.x.x:22] mode<-global
2018-10-10 16:00:31,722 condoor.device:device_info(85): Update: [ssh://csm@x.x.x.x:22] os_type<-None
2018-10-10 16:00:31,722 condoor.device:device_info(85): Update: [ssh://csm@x.x.x.x:22] udi<-None
2018-10-10 16:00:31,722 condoor.chain:update(169): Device information updated -> [ssh://csm@x.x.x.x:22]
2018-10-10 16:00:31,722 condoor.connection:description_record(854): Connection information updated from cache.
2018-10-10 16:00:31,723 condoor.connection:_read_cache(212): Read cached information.
2018-10-10 16:00:31,723 condoor.connection:description_record(844): Connection information cleared
2018-10-10 16:00:31,723 condoor.connection:_clear_cache(223): Description record: {'connections': [{'chain': [{'platform': None, 'driver_name': 'XE', 'is_console': False, 'mode': 'global', 'family': None,
'os_version': None, 'os_type': None, 'udi': None, 'hostname': 'pe03', 'is_target': True}]}], 'last_chain': 0}
2018-10-10 16:00:31,723 condoor.connection:_get_key(187): Cache key: [ssh://csm@1x.x.x.x:22]
2018-10-10 16:00:31,725 condoor.connection:_write_cache(204): Connection information cached: 6afb139e4e0f5c73b06b0e54eaf16521
2018-10-10 16:00:31,725 condoor.connection:_disable_logging(165): Closing logs
10-10-2018 10:45 AM
Hi Renato,
It looks like the ssh timeout occurred after Condoor was waiting for the following prompt pattern:
2018-10-10 15:58:21,214 protocols.ssh:connect(80): EXPECTED_PROMPT='(?P<hostname>[\\w\\-\\_\\=\\+]+)(\\([^()]*\\))?[#|>]'
Can you please let us know what is the prompt of the device? Is it ASR920?
10-11-2018 03:39 AM
10-11-2018 12:00 PM
Hi Renato,
I am not able to reproduce the error in house. However, the console output I received is a little different from yours.
[sjc-ads-1915:jawei] ssh
______ __ ______ __ _
/_ __/__ / /__ / ____/___ ____ ___ ____ __ __/ /_(_)___ ____ _
/ / / _ \/ / _ \/ / / __ \/ __ `__ \/ __ \/ / / / __/ / __ \/ __ `/
/ / / __/ / __/ /___/ /_/ / / / / / / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / / / / /_/ /
/_/ \___/_/\___/\____/\____/_/ /_/ /_/ .___/\__,_/\__/_/_/ /_/\__, /
/_/ /____/
This is a private system.
Unauthorized use of this and other systems belonging
to Telecomputing ASA is prohibited and will be prosecuted
to the full extent of the law!
jawei@'s password:
The difference is mainly the prompt. I got 'RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:pe01#' but it seems to me that the prompt you have is 'pe01#'?
Can you please try to login manually with the following ssh command and let us know what happens?
ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o LogLevel=ERROR -2 -p 22 csm@pe01.pop04
10-16-2018 01:18 AM
Hello James!
I have not issues with routers running IOS-XR , only with IOS-XE devices. Is it possible for you to test with for example an ASR920?
10-16-2018 11:01 PM
Hi Renato,
My bad! Yes, you did mention it was ASR920 :)
I tried again with an ASR920 but still could not reproduce the error.
Can you please share with us the following?
(1) The IOS-XE version that you are running
(2) the output of show run
(3) session session_logs.zip which can be retrieved by clicking on the file icon.
Please send the info to cs-software-manager@cisco.com.
I thought to compare notes with you.
Below are the console output and log I collected. As you can tell that I am testing with 03.18.01.SP.156-2.SP1.
(1) From manual login, the following is what I received:
[sj16lab-as1:~] ssh -l csm
______ __ ______ __ _
/_ __/__ / /__ / ____/___ ____ ___ ____ __ __/ /_(_)___ ____ _
/ / / _ \/ / _ \/ / / __ \/ __ `__ \/ __ \/ / / / __/ / __ \/ __ `/
/ / / __/ / __/ /___/ /_/ / / / / / / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / / / / /_/ /
/_/ \___/_/\___/\____/\____/_/ /_/ /_/ .___/\__,_/\__/_/_/ /_/\__, /
/_/ /____/
This is a private system.
Unauthorized use of this and other systems belonging
to Telecomputing ASA is prohibited and will be prosecuted
to the full extent of the law!
Connection to closed by remote host.
Connection to closed.
[sj16lab-as1:~] ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o LogLevel=ERROR -2 -p 22 csm@
Connection to closed.
(2) From running CSM Server, the following is what I received from the session log:
[sj16lab-as1:~] uname -sr Linux 2.6.32-642.11.1.el6.x86_64 [sj16lab-as1:~] ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o LogLevel=ERROR -2 -p 22 csm@ Password: pe01# pe01# pe01# pe01# pe01#terminal len 0 pe01#terminal width 0 pe01#show version Cisco IOS XE Software, Version 03.18.01.SP.156-2.SP1-ext Cisco IOS Software, ASR920 Software (PPC_LINUX_IOSD-UNIVERSALK9_NPE-M), Version 15.6(2)SP1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3) Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport Copyright (c) 1986-2016 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Wed 23-Nov-16 16:25 by mcpre
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