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Validate Wrong Extensions

Leonardo Santana


When dial a wrong extension the message you to reenter the destination did not play, and after a while the call is transfered to the operator.

Follow my script.

Extension Range: 9xxx

How can i do this?


Leonardo Santana

Leonardo Santana

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11 Replies 11

Raghavendra G V
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi Leonardo,

You can use pattern for leg collectdigits as below if you want to match specific pattern.

set pattern(1) "9..."

leg collectdigits $legID params pattern

for more information refer TCL IVR document in below link.



Hello Raghavendra,

Where do i put this commands?

At proc init ?


Leonardo Santana

Leonardo Santana

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Hi Leonard,

you need to put pattern before leg collectdigits in act_Setup . you can also try to check the first digit after collecting all digits.



Can you give an example im my script.

I tried but not work.


Leonardo Santana

Leonardo Santana

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when you dial wrong extension, the script should get digit collect status cd_006. could you please collect logs by enabling below debugs.

debug voip app



Hi Leonardo,

Per Raghavendra's suggestion- This is how he means on your script:

proc act_Setup { } {

    global param1

    global selectCnt

    global dest

    global beep

    global callInfo

    global dnis

    global fcnt

    global aaPilot

    global oprtr

    global busyPrompt

    global legConnected

    puts "proc act_Setup"

    set busyPrompt

    set beep 0


    infotag set med_language 1

    if { ($dnis == "") || ($dnis == $aaPilot) } {

        leg proceeding leg_incoming

        leg connect leg_incoming

        set legConnected true

    puts "\nNo DNIS\n"

        set param1(dialPlan) true

        set pattern(1) "9..."

        leg collectdigits leg_incoming param1 pattern

        media play leg_incoming %s1000

    } else {

        set fcnt 6

    leg setupack leg_incoming

        handoff callappl leg_incoming default "DESTINATION=$dnis"

        fsm setstate HANDOFF

        media play leg_incoming "flash:/"



Hello i try this,

it works but its not playing the audio (,) after the wrong extension


Leonardo Santana

Leonardo Santana

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Hi Leonardo, Try this?

proc act_GotDest { } {

    global dest

    global callInfo

    global oprtr

    global busyPrompt

    puts "\n proc act_GotDest"

    set status [infotag get evt_status]

    set callInfo(alertTime) 30

    if {  ($status == "cd_004") } {

        set dest [infotag get evt_dcdigits]

    if { $dest == "0" } {

        set dest $oprtr


        handoff callappl leg_incoming default "DESTINATION=$dest"

    } elseif { ($status == "cd_001") || ($status == "cd_002") } {

    set dest $oprtr

        handoff callappl leg_incoming default "DESTINATION=$dest"

    }    else {

    if { $status == "cd_006" } {

        set busyPrompt (--> You can change the prompt here as "Extension entered is not valid")



Now the audio is playing, but its playing two times the message.


Leonardo Santana

Leonardo Santana

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Can you try a return after act_Select

if { $status == "cd_006" } {

        set busyPrompt (--> You can change the prompt here as "Extension entered is not valid")




I have the same problem.   I have included  the "return" after "act_Select". Could someone check if I did right, if not how can i proceed.

    if { $status == "cd_006" } {

                set busyPrompt


        puts "\nCall [infotag get con_all] got event $status collecting destination"

        set dest [infotag get evt_dcdigits]

        if { $dest == "0" } {

                set dest $oprtr

                handoff callappl leg_incoming default "DESTINATION=$dest"

        } else {



AddedVGW01#show call application voice pandurata

Script Name : pandurata

       URL  : flash:its-CISCO.

       Type : Service

       State: Registered

       Life : Configured

       Exec Instances: 0

Parameters registered under pandurata namespace:

  name                                            type  default value   description

  uid-len                    I     10              the number of digits in UID

  warning-time           I     30              the time (in secs) within which a user is warned before the calling time expires (call terminates)

  pin-len                    I     4               the number of digits in PIN

  retry-count              I     3               the number of attempts to reenter PIN

  redirect-number      S                     the telephone number where a call is redirected to

Script Code Begin:


TCL Script  version 2.0 - 2.1

# Script Locked by: khom

# Script Version:

# Script Name: its_CISCO

# Script Lock Date: Wed Jul  2 09:22:04 2003


# November 27, 2001, Satish Ananthanarayana (


# Copyright (c) 2001 by cisco Systems, Inc.

# All rights reserved.



# Description:

#       This is a TCL IVR script for the IOS Telephony Service and

#       Call Manager (CM) offload scenario. The IVR script plays a

#       welcome prompt to the user and prompts the user to enter a

#       destination number when the user dials the auto-attendant number

#       (aa-pilot configured in the CLI). The script collects the digits that

#       the user has entered and hands the call to the enhanced session

#       application (named Default).  The session application

#       returns once there is a disconnect (if the call is established)

#       or if a call setup problem occurs.

#       The operator support is also included, if the user does not dial

#       any number or enters "0" the user will be transfered to an operator

#       (if operator number is configured in the CLI). If the user enters

#       an invalid number, the user will be prompted again to re-enter

#       the number for upto 3 times before disconnecting the call.




proc init { } {

    global param1

    global selectCnt

    global callInfo

    global legConnected

    set param1(interruptPrompt) true

    set param1(abortKey) *

    set param1(terminationKey) #

    set param1(initialDigitTimeout) 3

    set param1(interDigitTimeout) 4

    set selectCnt 0

    set legConnected false


proc init_ConfigVars { } {

    global destination

    global aaPilot

    global oprtr

        global param1

        if [infotag get cfg_avpair_exists initial-Digit-Timeout] {

        set param1(initialDigitTimeout) [string trim [infotag get cfg_avpair initial-Digit-Timeout]]

    } else {

        set param1(initialDigitTimeout) 3


if [infotag get cfg_avpair_exists inter-Digit-Timeout] {

        set param1(interDigitTimeout) [string trim [infotag get cfg_avpair inter-Digit-Timeout]]

    } else {

        set param1(interDigitTimeout) 4


# aa-pilot is the IVR number configured on the gateway to be used by the customer

# operator is the operator number for assisted calling

    if [infotag get cfg_avpair_exists aa-pilot] {

        set aaPilot [string trim [infotag get cfg_avpair aa-pilot]]

    } else {

        set aaPilot "NONE"


    if [infotag get cfg_avpair_exists operator] {

        set oprtr [string trim [infotag get cfg_avpair operator]]

    } else {

        set oprtr "NONE"



proc init_perCallVars { } {

    puts "\nproc init_perCallvars"

    global ani

    global digit_enabled

    global fcnt

    global retrycnt

    global dnis

    set fcnt 0

    set retrycnt 6

    set ani ""

    set dnis ""

    set digit_enabled "FALSE"

    set ani [infotag get leg_ani]

    puts "\nANI $ani"

    set dnis [infotag get leg_dnis]

    puts "\nDNIS $dnis"


proc act_Setup { } {

    global param1

    global selectCnt

    global dest

    global beep

    global callInfo

    global dnis

    global fcnt

    global aaPilot

    global oprtr

    global busyPrompt

    global legConnected

    puts "proc act_Setup"

    set busyPrompt

    set beep 0


    infotag set med_language 1

    if { ($dnis == "") || ($dnis == $aaPilot) } {

        leg proceeding leg_incoming

        leg connect leg_incoming

        set legConnected true

        puts "\nNo DNIS\n"

        set param1(dialPlan) true

        leg collectdigits leg_incoming param1

        media play leg_incoming %s1000

    } else {

        set fcnt 6

        leg setupack leg_incoming

        handoff callappl leg_incoming default "DESTINATION=$dnis"

        fsm setstate HANDOFF



proc act_GotDest { } {

    global dest

    global callInfo

    global oprtr

    global busyPrompt

    puts "\n proc act_GotDest"

    set status [infotag get evt_status]

    set callInfo(alertTime) 30

    if {  ($status == "cd_004") } {

        set dest [infotag get evt_dcdigits]

        if { $dest == "0" } {

                set dest $oprtr


        handoff callappl leg_incoming default "DESTINATION=$dest"

    } elseif { ($status == "cd_001") || ($status == "cd_002") } {

        set dest $oprtr

        handoff callappl leg_incoming default "DESTINATION=$dest"

    }   else {

        if { $status == "cd_006" } {

                set busyPrompt


        puts "\nCall [infotag get con_all] got event $status collecting destination"

        set dest [infotag get evt_dcdigits]

        if { $dest == "0" } {

                set dest $oprtr

                handoff callappl leg_incoming default "DESTINATION=$dest"

        } else {






proc act_CallSetupDone { } {

    global busyPrompt

    global legConnected

    set status [infotag get evt_handoff_string]

    if { [string length $status] != 0} {

        regexp {([0-9][0-9][0-9])} $status StatusCode

        puts "IP IVR Disconnect Status = $status"

        switch $StatusCode {

          "016" {

              puts "\n Connection success"

              fsm setstate CONTINUE



          default {

              if { $legConnected == "false" } {

                  leg proceeding leg_incoming

                  leg connect leg_incoming

                  set legConnected true


              puts "\n Call failed.  Play prompt and collect digit"

              if { ($StatusCode == "017") } {

                  set busyPrompt





    } else {

        puts "\n Caller disconnected"

        fsm setstate CALLDISCONNECT




proc act_Select { } {

    global destination

    global promptFlag2

    global destBusy

    global param1

    global fcnt

    global retrycnt

    global busyPrompt

    puts "\n proc act_Select"

    set promptFlag2 0

    set param1(interruptPrompt) true

    set param1(abortKey) *

    set param1(terminationKey) #

    set param1(dialPlan) true

    set param1(dialPlanTerm) true

    leg collectdigits leg_incoming param1

    if { $fcnt < $retrycnt } {

        media play leg_incoming $busyPrompt %s500

        incr fcnt

        fsm setstate GETDEST

    } else {




proc act_DestBusy { } {

    puts "\n proc act_DestBusy"

    media play leg_incoming

    fsm setstate CALLDISCONNECT


proc act_Cleanup { } {

    call close


requiredversion 2.0




#   State Machine


  set fsm(any_state,ev_disconnected)   "act_Cleanup  same_state"

  set fsm(CALL_INIT,ev_setup_indication) "act_Setup  GETDEST"

  set fsm(GETDEST,ev_collectdigits_done) "act_GotDest HANDOFF"

  set fsm(HANDOFF,ev_returned)   "act_CallSetupDone  CONTINUE"

  set fsm(CALLDISCONNECT,ev_media_done) "act_Cleanup  same_state"

  fsm define fsm CALL_INIT

# Script Approval Signature: C/775c


Daniel Sobrinho