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Brooke Hammer
Community Manager
Community Manager

New Features & Enhancements

Community Member Badges:  

  • The Hall of Fame, VIP and Spotlight badges have been updated providing standardized icons across the community. 
  • ThousandEye badges have also been uploaded allowing users with an enhanced community experience. 

Ask the Experts (ATXs):  

  • The global navigation has been updated allowing easier navigation for users to the event boards. 
  • The time and date have been updated for the Chinese Community allowing users with an community experience. 
  • A tailored ATX duplicate registration error message has been created to help users during the registration process. 

Community Events & Webinars: Instead of label text appearing in the URL as a parameter, number codes have been added for each label/filter option selected. Thus, this allows for better search results and standardization for new API parameters. 

Community Content: To help provide relevant content to community users, the “Featured Articles” component has been moved to the top of the page.  

Community Health: As part of overall community clean-up, the spacing has been reduced for the Guided Resources. 


Community Experience Updates

VIP Spotlights 

Get to know our VIPs! 

#CommunityPoll on social 

"What's the TOP reason that keeps you engaged in an online user community?" 

  • Collective knowledge = 69% 
  • Giveback/share learning = 18% 
  • Peer connection = 12% 
  • No thanks = 18% 
  • Other = 1% 

Source: [LinkedInX/Twitter] 


Community Live Webinars 

Catch the October & November replays: 

Member Recognition: 

  • Spotlight Awards Updates: including new badge, multi-lingual nomination form and from monthly to quarterly - learn more. 
  • Ranking Simplification: Remove VIP and Hall of Fame layers to simplify our ranking level and make things more transparent to our members.  

Additional Highlights: 

Coming Soon: 

  • VIP Class 2024 announcement in January!  
  • Cisco Live EMEA (Feb 5-9, 2024 | Amsterdam) 


1 Comment

Thanks @Brooke Hammer 

Getting Started

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