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Meet Changjiang Li (Rps-Cheers) - Cisco Designated VIP

Rps-Cheers  (Changjiang Li) is a senior technical support engineer at ECCOM Networks (an outstanding Cisco partner), and holds a CCIE RS certification. He joined the Chinese community in 2017 and has been actively sharing knowledge and experiences. To date, he has contributed over 1400+ forum threads and discussion replies, provided solutions to 115 issues, and received over 1000 helpful votes. 

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Could you please introduce yourself briefly?

I am a senior technical support engineer at ECCOM Networks. I've been working with Cisco networking technologies for nearly 10 years now. Eight years ago, I got my CCIE RS certification, and since then, I've had an unbreakable bond with Cisco technologies.

I enjoy listening to music, especially when I'm studying and researching networking technologies. It's like every command I type comes with its own musical note.

Tell us about your work at ECCOM.

I've been with ECCOM Networks for six years now. My work at ECCOM covers routing, switching, wireless, SDWAN, and XR devices. I primarily provide technical support to customers from various regions, helping them solve network-related challenges. Five years ago, I changed my focus to wireless technology, including both AireOS and XE WLC. I've solved numerous wireless network issues, which have been challenging but also highly rewarding. In the past two years, my focus has gradually changed to SDWAN projects. I've had the privilege of designing and transforming WAN networks for clients, which has been a truly exciting experience. Through SDWAN projects, I've also delved deeper into cloud-related technology, and I believe it's a promising beginning for me!

How did you get involved with Cisco Community? 

Due to the nature of my work, I often need to view official Cisco information. When I encounter questions that official resources can't directly answer, I try to find the solutions I need in the Cisco Community or post questions here. Typically, most of my queries and requests for help receive prompt responses and ultimately get resolved. So, in my view, the Cisco Community is like a ray of hope on the brink of despair, much like that beam of hopeful light in the darkness!

That's why I joined the Cisco Community at the end of 2017. Here, I've come to deeply understand Newton's famous quote: 'If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.' And for me, these giants are @Rasika Nayanajith , @Scott Fella , @Leo Laohoo , and other experts from around the world! 

What inspired you to start answering in addition to asking? 

I believe every tech enthusiast has a starting point. Every beginning is challenging, and the problems people encounter can range from simple to complex. I can use my knowledge and experience to help engineers facing network issues to the best of my ability, which I find inherently meaningful. In the realm of technology, I think that sharing more leads to gaining more. Everyone benefits, so why not? Moreover, there's a special sense of achievement when you receive the notification 'Your answer in xxx has been accepted as a solution! At least, that's how I feel, haha!

How do you find the time? 

I spend a lot of time on the Cisco Community. Apart from work, I dedicate my evenings and weekends to answering questions and providing help wherever I can.

You’re very generous with your time. Why do you do it? 

As I mentioned earlier, being able to provide assistance, solve problems for network issues, is both fulfilling and meaningful. I've experienced the frustration of not knowing where to turn when facing a problem, and I totally understand that kind of pressure. I believe most engineers in the field of networking know what I am talking about. I want to be helpful. Additionally, I can learn a lot from the community's questions and answers, continuously improving my own skills.

Does your employer support your participation? 

Yes, as an excellent Cisco partner, collaboration and mutual success have always been core values at ECCOM Networks. The Cisco Community helps us, and I can share what I know while learning what I don't. Here, I have opportunities for growth and learning. Collaboration is the foundation of mutual success, and it's about making individuals and the collective thrive!

Any advice to fellow members to make the community even better? 

People from around the world may have their own habits and ways of doing things. However, when asking questions, if you can be as clear and descriptive as possible, it can make problem-solving much more efficient. Also, don't underestimate the value of clicking 'Helpful' vote and 'Accepted Solution' button, for the community members who help you. It's not just encouragement but also motivation for them.

What advice would you give to someone who wanted a nudge to start contributing? 

Set aside some free time each day to explore the Cisco Community, especially in the technology areas that interest you. I believe that after some time, you'll have unexpected kind of reward. You might just become the next "Giant" in the community. 


Want to join Changjiang? Learn more about becoming a Cisco Designated VIP today or contact us at for any questions. 

For Chinese members, find the interview in your local language HERE .

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