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Meet Chunlin Geng(ilay) - Cisco Designated VIP

ilay (Chunlin Geng) is a senior technical support engineer for Cisco's excellent partner, Digital China. He holds CCIE RS and CCIE Sec certifications and joined the community in 2015, making him one of our veteran users. So far, he has contributed over 600 posts and replies, 150 “Accepted Solutions”, and received over 800 helpful votes.

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Could you please introduce yourself briefly?

I am a senior networking engineer at Digital China, and I have been working in Cisco-related technical roles since I graduated. I obtained CCIE RS/Sec certifications around 2018, and I enjoy studying and testing new technologies and products.

Tell us about your work at Digital China.

I joined Digital China nine years ago and mainly focus on optimizing and maintaining enterprise office networks and private cloud data centers to ensure the secure and stable operation of the enterprise network. My work involves various aspects of knowledge, such as routing, switching, wireless, security, and data centers. I have participated in supporting tasks like enterprise network upgrade from WIFI5 to WIFI6, AnyConnect VPN access optimization, and ISE migration and upgrade.

How did you get involved with Cisco Community? 

At the beginning of my career, I had almost zero knowledge about wireless. When I started searching for related materials on the Internet, I accidentally found the recordings of Zhang Guomin's (Guomin Zhang) public webcasts in the community. By browsing these recordings and documents and other community questions, I gradually accumulated knowledge about wireless. Some of the problems I encountered at work were also solved with the help of the community members, and from then on, I formed an inseparable bond with the community.

What inspired you to start answering in addition to asking? 

When I found solutions and guidance from the community for my own problems, I realized that I also had the ability to help others. Especially when your answer can help them solve their problems, it gives a special sense of accomplishment and also serves as a validation of your own knowledge and efforts.

How do you find the time? 

I usually visit the community and browse for a while when I have free time. If there is a need to search for information for work, I will visit it more frequently. When I come across some questions, I would simulate the environment to test the solution. Perhaps browsing the community has become a habit for me.

You’re very generous with your time. Why do you do it? 

This is a process of mutual growth. In the community, I can learn a lot of knowledge and understand new technologies and products. Helping others by answering questions is a joyful thing and can prevent more people from being stuck on the same problem. The collective knowledge can make us get better.

Does your employer support your participation? 

Of course, "achieving customer success, creating value, pursuing excellence, and winning together" are our core values. The community provides support and help for us, and we can also share and help others to make the community an even better place for the members.

Any advice to fellow members to make the community even better? 

When raising a question, try to describe the situation you encounter in as much detail as possible. This will help you obtain help and solve the problems more effectively. When answering a question, try to provide answers in a simple and intuitive way, which can reduce the difficulty for the person facing the problem. Of course, providing some practical additional materials can also help them have a more comprehensive understanding of the relevant knowledge.

What advice would you give to someone who wanted a nudge to start contributing? 

As the saying goes, “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” By actively participating, you will gain something more than you expect.


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