Hello all,I am going to start a small-scale company with 50 employees. So I need a router and switch. I don't know which is the best for our small company, so can you share your valuable feedback?
Hi, We are using ESS3300 module for our product,Please provide the 3D .STEP file for the ESS3300 product to verify the mechanical clearance with our product.Also, Please suggest the suitable matting connector part no for J1 and J2 connector. Please s...
Whenever I try to upload my resume on Cisco jobs profile it says ,"The file couldn't be accessed." I tried to upload in pdf and docx format too but in vain. Please help
Hello Team,How to debug Cisco Embedded services Ethernet Switch (ESS 3300) Main board which is not booting up. i.e its not taking any current. Also, The CR7 LED is not glowing. What is this LED and Why is it.Kindly Support me.
Hello there. Can anyone help me on my problem.I am resetting the password when I got messed up with my Cisco 2800 series router. I accidentally reset the GIO ASIC version 0x127.here's what i did:rommon 1 > confreg 0x127You must reset or power cycle f...
Hi all,we started using xpresso but not able run a job in xpresso.If you share detailed steps how to create and run job in xpresso that would be great because we are completely new to this from documentation we are not getting how to create job, whic...
1. So our query is how many NVMe controllers this Cisco Systems Inc UCSC-C460-M4 can accommodate ?2. Current NVMe controller has 1.5 TB disks with the new NVMe controller can we accommodate between 4 to 8 TB disks ?
Hi A few months I am trying to change our free plan to starter plan but not able to upgrade the current plan to starter plan.I have added all card details during payment time but not yet payment success. i moved to below steps for upgrading. - Choos...
Hi, I am applying for a channel partnership and I have been directed by a local Cisco distributor to register on the cisco website and when I try to register (after creating the cisco account of course), I face the issue as shown in the attachment.Ki...
Hello Everyone,I have a topology EVE-ng, where i have connected two routers to cisco ASA5520 and the security level is 0 on both interfaces.On the router i have configured static route on both routers. Still unable to ping from router interface to ot...
Dear Team,I was trying to associate my Cisco ID with my company, but I mistakenly typed my business email address wrong, and I lost access to my account, how can I retrieve my account, tried to contact cisco customer support and they are helpless.
Hi Guys, We have an audit team and run the Nessus tool. As per them- SSL Medium Strength Cipher Suites Supported (SWEET32) in UCS-220-M3SThe remote host supports the use of SSL ciphers that offer medium-strength encryption. Nessus regards medium stre...
Hello,I am trying to remove my cisco ID from the old company and add it to the new one but the steps that I have found don`t solve this problem.Thanks.