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Cisco CUPS-SIP-trunk for presence when HA is enabled on IM&P - configuration in version 11.5.1 question

Level 1
Level 1

Hi all,

my environment is made of:

- Cisco CUCM cluster 11.5.1, Publisher (CallManager service enabled) and Subscriber (CallManager service enabled)

- Cisco IM&P cluster 11.5.1, Publisher and Subscriber with HA enabled.

My question is regarding SIP Publish Trunk configuration on both side.

The best approach is using DNS SRV when multiple nodes are involved, but when HA is enabled on IM&P side, the conf. guide states:

If high availability is configured for the IM and Presence cluster, multiple entries should be entered in the Dotted IP Address or FQDN to identify the various nodes in the cluster. DNS SRV cannot be used for an IM and Presence cluster if high availability is configured.

These are the configuration i would implement on my environment:

CUCM side: SIP trunk --> IMP_Pub and IMP_Sub    IP addresses:5060 in destination address field

IMP side: Presence Gateway (only one) --> pointing CUCM Publisher IP address

What happen if CUCM Publisher is down? Can i configure DNS SRV record under presence Gateway for redundancy\balancing? Does Presence Gateway configuration require pointing only CUCM nodes where CM service is enabled?


please help.

2 Replies 2

On version 11.X I don't think a sip trunk is  needed for integrating CUCM with IM. 


if you looking for SRV records for jabber follow the below.




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IM&P 11.5 lets you to configure sip publish trunk toward cucm. 

My question is regarding configuring SRV between IM&P and CUCM for SIP Publish and presence status exchange.

I'm not concerned about DNS SRV for jabber client for discovering services purposes.