Hello All,
I am stuck with a question regarding Cisco ECE which I need help if someone can guide me. We have Cisco ECE 11.6 integrated with PCCE 11.6. I am trying to find out if ECE stores details of each activity event, from beginning till activity is completed. I guess it is there somewhere because we can see activity details in ECE agent console when we search for activity ID and look under Audit tab. It shows all events related to an activity with timestamp, i.e., email arrived, activity created, case created, work flow applied, assigned to queue etc. I couldnt find any table in ECE yet which stores this data.
I also tried to find out which file executes when I look at Audit under ECE agent console and could see that "getactivityauditdetails.jsp" file executes with search criteria, request token, session token etc. But I couldnt find this file as well in any of ECE servers. Ideally it should be under ECE Web server.
Can someone please help me to find where can I see these details ?