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I need to change a known admin password

Level 1
Level 1

We have had the same username and password for our UC application server for many years with staff change.

I seem to recall there are secure\encrypted passwords and non secure\encrypted passwords

Questions 1

We want to change the secure password for this user.

What is the process to change the known admin password?

Question 2

How can I get a list of users that are setup in our UC application server

I know there's at least one, because that's the one I log in with, but I want to know if there are more.

We have change support vendors and I want to know if the previous vendor has any other login setup

1 Reply 1

Jaime Valencia
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

There are a lot of UC apps, just saying "UC application server" provides no detail at all, on top of that many apps have different logins for the OS and for the UC app, which you also don't mention which one you're talking about (if applicable)

You mention you already have a support vendor, I'd suggest you reach out to them so they can have a Webex with you and then you show them exactly what apps you're talking about and they can provide guidance on what you need.



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