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Level 11
Level 11
This document was generated from CDN thread

Created by: Phil Kaasa on 01-05-2012 03:04:04 PM
If a call with a Cisco-Guid is delivered to a SIP trunk on a CUCM (e.g. from a CUBE), is it possible to access this ID from JTAPI? The Cisco-Guid is stored in CDR in the incomingProtocolRef field. Is this ID accessible in JTAPI?
If not, is there anyway to correlate SIP messages for a call with JTAPI messages for a call? Will there be any ID in common?
Vlad Polyakov
Level 1
Level 1

Was anyone able to resolve it? I am looking for the same functionality too

Level 5
Level 5

JTAPI exposes GCID of the call through CiscoCall.getCallID().getCallManagerID(), CiscoCall.getCallID().getGlobalCallID() which is written to CDR.  You should be able to get to the find the call after the CDR is written. I don't think there is any interface to correlate the 2 in real time.

Vlad Polyakov
Level 1
Level 1

The GCID (not Cisco-GUID, which I see through SIP in INVITE) is being reset after we reboot CUCM, making it unreliable unique call identifier.

Additionally, we experience challenges correlating the same event, which we received from two clustered CUCMs in the same instance of our presence server.

Ideally I would expect JTAPI to report the following:

  1. Cisco-GUID which is used to establish calls using SIP
  2. Unique event identifier, which should be shared between instances of CUCM in a same cluster (or even multi-site)
    • That should allow deduping the event reports for the same actual event
  1. Guid representing a call ID (segment ID)
  2. Guid representing a compound ID (multiple call segemnts)
  •      The above could have been even an inter-PBX identifier
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