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Arundeep Nagaraj
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Troubleshooting Partial Service on CM telephony Subsystem

Easy way of Troubleshooting Partial Service on CM telephony Subsystem:

Just thought of putting this across as it has been very helpful in lot of cases.

We have seen many cases where the CM Telephony subsystem is in partial service. The main reasons for this could be:

  1. Some of the triggers go unregistered.
  2. Some of the CTI ports go unregistered.
  3. Misconfiguration of the triggers or the CCG.

The common solutions to this may be Data Resync, CTI Manager Restart, etc. Sometimes it does become that all this would fail and we need to check the MIVR and JTAPI logs for finding the fault.

RTMT is a very good tool in case we need to check which trigger or port is unregistered or Out Of Service.

Login to the RTMT of the UCCX:


Click on the Cisco Unified CCX in the left pane below:

Choose CUCM Telephony Data and then you will get the option of choosing the Triggers, Call Control Groups as a whole, CTI ports individually, and a Summary section:

Select Triggers and it will prompt you for the server. In case of HA, both the servers will be listed:


It will then display the status of the triggers in the system. It will show the status, etc  and the recommended action will be listed if there are any triggers which has issues.


Same goes for CTI ports as well:


This is easier than pulling out the logs to find which trigger or port is causing the partial service status.

Note: If you do not have access to the RTMT, then you can always reset the username and password from the CLI using:

Utils reset_application_ui_administrator_name

Utils reset_application_ui_administrator_password

This will also reset the Fresh install username and password. The initial AppAdmin username and password is the same as the username and password for the RTMT.

Please rate the documents if it is helpful!


Arundeep N

Valber Carvalho
Level 1
Level 1

Hi Arundeep N,

Congratulation by post it. It is very helpful.

I would like to ask you about the UCCX 8.0.

I am using the RTMT V8.5 to find the reason to PARTIAL Services status on ICM Subsystem, Unifified CM Telephony Subsystem, Application Manager and I don't have the 'Cisco Unified CCX' button  in the System Summary .

Now, I am retrieving some MIVRs logs by RTMT to check the reason for these PARTIAL Services.

Do you know another "easy" way to do it on UCCX 8.0?

Thank you,

Best Regards,

Valber Carvalho.

Arundeep Nagaraj
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi Valber,

Thanks for the response.

Could you test it with RTMT for 8.0? The RTMT is micro-version specific and hence we will find issues there. Please download it from UCCX 8.0 appadmin and let me know what it shows.

Else MIVR is the only option I'm afraid:)



piyush aghera

UCCX 8.0 RTMT does not have this easy way out unfortunately :-(

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