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BaseLineMesageCallback script not working

Level 1
Level 1

Hi All

When agents are busy, the customer do have an option to leave voice message and a cal-back number and when any agent is ready, the system need to trigger a call to the available agent with the VM and call back number. I used the cisco sample scrip repository and found BaseLineAdvQueuing and BaseLineMesageCallback script. The first script do the first part and the call back script, triggers the callback to agent and then goes back to the first script. 

When the BaseLineMesageCallback script triggers, the call drop in between. In reactive debugging, it reaches till select Resource and then pop an error "contact id terminated remotely". 

Did anyone worked on these sample scripts before and faced similar issue. Looking forward for help.


Prasanth Abraham

1 Reply 1

Hi Prasanth,


Did you solved this issue?

I am having the same problem.

I know this is pretty old but I am looking for some help with the BaseLineAdvQueuing.aef script.

I am not sure if this is the same problem as the one you had but maybe you can see what I am doing wrong. 


After the user has waited in the queue for a certain amount of time, he/she is presented with a menu option wherein they can press 1 just to leave a message or 2 for a callback along with a message.

When the caller press 2, he/she records the message followed by dropping the call. 

my under standing is that the caller number and message are put in the call back script to wait for an agent. I don't see this happen nor do I see a waiting call in the call back queue, I think i am losing this call somewhere. 

I have included a copy of both scripts, I appreciate any help you can give me.


Thank you,
