I have UCCE/CVP 12.6.1 lab system for teaching classes with CVP, OAMPServer, ReportingServer & CCB Servlet, and IIS MediaServer all on the same VM.
My CCB Servlet won't start up. It's worked in the past (I rollback to VM snapshots for class each week, and it's started in the past)
1. I get 500 error in web browser for http://IP:8000/cvp/CallbackServlet?method=Diag
2. I see this in the CallbackEntry activity log : _ccbServelet=http://IP:8000/cvp/CallbackServlet and in the EnterQueue node, Error: Failed to connect to servlet -- "HTTP/1.1 500"
3. OAMP is configured with CCB as always
4. My Rpg server is up.
Any troubleshooting tips would be appreciated!
Note - on a possibly related issue, my NOAMP isn't able to communicate with Cisco's smart license mgr (wireshark shows no messages being sent). So I have to rollback to snapshot every night during class weeks. Right now it's in 'authorized' mode for 24 hours, so I wouldn't expect it to be affecting the CCB.