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Finesse Development in .net

Level 1
Level 1


I am kind of new to finesse and there is a need for us to move to finesse from ctios based desktop applications.

The current application that we have has a ton of customization's and am not sure if that can be achieved by the out of box finesse app.

I was just wondering if any one in this community has worked on developing a customized web application using the rest apis or the java script libraries.

any pointers as to how to proceed would be greatly appreciated.



8 Replies 8

Level 1
Level 1

Aziz. Start with the nongadgetsample provided on the Finesse page. It has all the javascript libs you'll need to get started:  There should also be instructions for setting up Apache to get around cross domain javascript issues. We were able to get it running on IIS (after some painful configuration) as well so I think using this with web forms or MVC is possible, although we just used html/javascript running on IIS.

Hi John,

Thanks for the reply, I have the sample downloaded and looked in the sources, but the thing is that we dont/cant have an apache web server in our environment. would it be a big deal for you if you can share the IIS configuration info.

I have already hooked up the finesse js libraray and the jabberwerx js libary in a mvc solution and have an implementation similar to the sample application that u mentioned about, but am struck in the configuration of the iis server.

Again thanks for the pointer.



You'll need to install the Application Request Routing and URLRewite modules for IIS. This article helped me the most for making sense of the xmpp config: XMPP | Jason Rowe

Also see this from msdn We eventually ended up with this config at the site level in IIS. I have not tested this config at the application level. Hope this helps.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>





        <rule name="RestProxy" stopProcessing="true">

          <match url="^finesse/(.*)" />



          <action type="Rewrite" url="http://finesse_ip_address:80/finesse/{R:1}" appendQueryString="false" logRewrittenUrl="true" />


        <rule name="XmppProxy" stopProcessing="true">

          <match url="^http-bind" />



          <action type="Rewrite" url="http://finesse_ip_address:7071/http-bind/" appendQueryString="false" logRewrittenUrl="true" />






Hi John,

I have tried your suggestions and the non gadget sample worked... the other things is that I just set up for http and wanted to try on https as well. is there specific configuration change that i need to try or will it work just by changing the url to https.

i have looked for answers in this forum and looks like some else is also trying to achieve the same on https but couldnt find any answers.

Any way thanks for your help.. will try to deploy the mvc application and see how it goes...




We didn't have to set up https, but according to the Finesse documentation it's supported. If you get it working in IIS, please post your solution.




I haven't tried setting up https yet, but i was able to port the non-gadget sample in to a mvc project and have deployed it our test environment on a iis web server and it works fine. right now i have to implement the customization's that we have done with the desktop version that is in prod.

will keep you posted with updates..

Hi John,

Quick question, does the non gadget sample support the latest jquery library, in the sample version 1.4 is included but can we use the latest and greatest thats available out there.




We wanted to use the latest and greatest as well, but we ran into a problem with jabberwerx.js. It depends on jQuery 1.4 and when we tried to use a different version, the XMPP feed stopped working. After some digging we were able to find an updated version of jabberwerx on the Finesse iso that uses 1.6. You may even be able to pull it down from the Finesse Agent Desktop application if you can find the url within the source.

Good luck.
