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How to Test "Time of Day" and "Day of Week"

Level 1
Level 1

Hi, I have a script that has a large Time of Day/Day of Week block and, without changing the system clock, how do I go about testing the script at various days and times? How can I simulate 2AM on a Wednesday without actually waking up at 2 in the morning and calling in?

Thanks for any help that you can provide.

3 Replies 3

Anthony Holloway
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

I would advise against changing the time on the server, which would mean in most cases changing the time on your NTP server.

If you don't trust the time functions of UCCX and you need to prove that they work, you can do so very easily in a non production script with business hours like: 11:15am - 12:00pm.

If however you need to test logic for different time periods, without the need to vet the time functions in UCCX, this is very easy.  You put a label where you want the logic to flow, and then a goto step before the DoW/ToD steps to bypass it.



Accept (--Triggering Contact--)

Goto TestWeekdayClosed

Day of Week

  Weekdays (Mon- Fri)

    Time of Day

      Open (8:00am - 5:00pm)

        Goto Open



        Goto Closed

  Weekends (Sat & Sun)

    Goto Closed


...your open logic here...


...your closed logic here...


If you wanted to test this in a live production script, then you can target your calling phone like this (assume you call from 2001):


Accept (--Triggering Contact--)

calling_number = Get Call Contact Info (--Triggering Contact--, Calling Number)

If (calling_number == "2001")


    /* Special test routing for Anthony */

    Goto TestWeekdayClosed


    /* Normal routing for everyone else */

Day of Week

  Weekdays (Mon- Fri)

    Time of Day

      Open (8:00am - 5:00pm)

        Goto Open



        Goto Closed

  Weekends (Sat & Sun)

    Goto Closed


...your open logic here...


...your closed logic here...


Anthony Holloway

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Thanks for the reply, Anthony. This will definitely help me in testing the logic that hangs off the end of the various DoW/ToD blocks, however it doesn't actually test the DoW/ToD blocks themselves.

The script I'm working on has a fairly convolouted and not well named/documented block of DoW/ToD steps. I'm not able to, at a glance, determine which label would even get called at 2AM on a Wednesday (to continue using that example). Is there any way I can pass in false information to the DoW and ToD functions that would let me simulate calls at various odd times?

No there is not.  Sorry to say.

I like to use the day and time values in my connections so I can tell at a glance which branches have which values.  This is something I picked up from ICM Routing Scripts.

Anthony Holloway

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