We have our own web app and we try to get the SSO token from the finesse. Our finesse is linked to Azure (IDP).
The current steps we are doing:
1. We use the azure-activedirectory-library-for-js and use the AuthenticationContext with all the configuration needed (clientId, authority).
2. After authentication process we are being redirected to our web app.
3. When we try to make a GET request to https://UCCX-FQDN:8445/desktop/sso/token we fail with the error:
Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'https://UCCX-FQDN:8553/ids/v1/oauth/authorize?redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2FUCCX-FQDNl%3A8445%2Fdesktop%2Fsso%2Fauthcode&client_id=code&state=state&response_type=code' (redirected from 'https://UCCX-FQDN:8445/desktop/sso/token') from origin 'https://WEB-APP-FQDN:5086' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
The finesse is set to cors enable_all, why it is still falling because of CORS?
When I open the https://UCCX-FQDN:8445/desktop/sso/token path straight on my browser I can see the token being displayed..
UCCX Version: