We have built softphone web app using finesse Rest api. we have used below APIs. Our partners compiling about latency issue while doing changeState and other call control APIs. We did observe 10 to 15 secs taking for requests to reach Finesse Server. This latency not happening all time with all partner agents. We did capture all logs from agent and unable to find any kind of issue. whenever we tested with our partner using Finesse Desktop client, there is no latency at all. We did observe finesse desktop calls systemInfo everyone 1 min and We have implemented systemInfo for web app. Can you please help us what could be issue.
Logs which got captured
- Capture firewall logs
- Capture LAN utilization logs
- Capture LAN switch logs
- Capture workstation softphone logs
- Internet connectivity logs
Note: IPC is connected over MPLS and Finesse API calls are going over MPLS network
HTTPMethod |
getState | signIn | makeCall |
getDialogs | signOut | bargeCall |
sysInfo | changeState | startSilentMonitorCall |
getTeamMembersInfo | makeConsultCall | |
| conferenceCalls | |
| transferCall | |
| dropCall | |
| updateWrapUpReason | |
| updateCallVariables | |
| sendDtmfString | |
| answerCall | |
| holdCall | |
| retrieveCall | |
| interceptCall | |