Hieronymous Merkin wrote:
Tac indicates that you can not load a script created in a different editor version regardless of how you load it!
That statement is missleading, and I hope Cisco TAC did not tell you this information, the same way it reads here.
If you are upgrading your UCCX, all of your scripts will work on the newer version. If you are going from UCCX 4.0 (if memory serves) to anything higher, you are required to open and "Save As" all of your scripts in the higher editor, before you are allowed to load them into the repository. This was due to a fundemental change in the way the Select Resource step referenced the Agent object (String versus User), and this process modified your script to bring it up to standards. However, this has not happened since that time frame, and all subsequent upgrades to UCCX do not require you do this.
Anthony Holloway
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