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"Please Try Again"

Level 1
Level 1

            On a very simple MENU step in a subflow, I get the error "please try again" when I select a legitimate digit (zero).   When I single step through the script during active debug, no problem.  Put it back in product and I get the error.  I note that even if I set the Max Retires to Zero I will still generate that "please try again" error 3 times before selecting the Unsuccessful path?   Where is this recording generate and for what reason?

Peter Buswell (aka DrVoIP)
4 Replies 4

Anthony Holloway
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

It wouldn't be possible for you to Active Debug a script with a menu in it.  Did you mean Reactive Debug?

It doesn't sound like you are Reactive Debugging the script which is active.  "sounds like" is the key phrase.

Subflows are a bit tricky in the way that you modify, save, upload, refresh and get into production.  See this post of mine on the subject, and perhaps it's simply that you are not making it active.

Anthony Holloway

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OK what I meant to type was Reactive Debug!

Whe I run the script in production, when it gets to this particular Menu, something I have created about 1K times, it looks just excellent, properly formed and I can see no reason why it would behave this way.  When the script is run, it gets to that Menu and each of the Filter digits works accept one, which just happens to be 0.  When I select 0, I hear a message  " please try again".    I note that it has nothing to do with the "max retiries"?  It is almost like the system is indicating it did not get that DTMF digit or something.

As far as the Reactive Debug, when I run the script in that mode, if runs flawlessly each time with no error! 

As far as the reactive debug of a subflow script I have a standard practice for doing this.    I bring the script into my SandBox Trigger and stuff the input values with a Java.Util.ArrayList that is full of those values so that the script runs as if it were being called by the main script.  This always seems to work and I have made it a standard practise for all subflows:  Create a debug boolelan toggle, that I can turn on or off for testing.  Generally I also alwasy pass a value  from the  subflow as a booleanSuccess true or false,  when returning to the main script, to deal with error handling.

So at the end of the day I am still wondering where this "please try again"  error and message is coming from?

Peter Buswell

Peter Buswell (aka DrVoIP)

I'm not sure Pete.  Could you turn on ENG debugging and then grab the MIVR logs to post up from the failed call?  It will have the script logc embeded in the logs as well as the DTMF being received.

Anthony Holloway

Please use the star ratings to help drive great content to the top of searches.

Old thread, but I had the same problem.


The solution for me was neglecting to activate the the menu options within the filter.



Took me a while to realize my mistake.

Hopefully this helps someone in the future.