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UCCE 8.5 - Skill based Routing/Most skilled

Level 1
Level 1

One of our business units just recently switched from a Nortel deployment to UCCE 8.5 and wanted to maintain their skill based functionality. 

For example

Agent A - priority 1

Agent B - priority 2

If agent A is available they will always get the next available.

Is this possible?

13 Replies 13

Yes, you will have to create two skill groups.  SG1_Priority1 and SG2_Priority2.  Then you could use a single Queue to SG node and inside of it have both skill groups.  In the SG2 line you put in the consider if a statement which will only queue to SG2 if SG1 Available = 0.  This prevents the call from queuing to SG2 when there are agents available in SG1.


Is there anyway of doing it at the agent level within the already existing skillgroup?

Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPad App


If it's one agent you could use a queue to agent node for that agent, but it will not do 100% what you're trying to accomplish.  Cisco doesn't have a notion of agent based routing... at least not until version 9.


Thanks. By chance do you know where I can find the roadmap for 9?

Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPad App

Hi Landon,

we have successfully implemented such kind of call routing with ICM 7.2 - and it works with all UCCE versions too.

Our customer wanted this: each agent must have a set of Skills and a set of Languages. The set of Skills as well as the set of Languages needs to be prioritized using an index. And, each Skill and each Language must have a proficiency level (percentage). When a customer calls in, he would use the IVR menu to specify what kind of service (~ skill) he wants in what language. Condition: we cannot touch the existing skill groups.

Of course, we did not want to touch skill groups at all, since implementing this that way would have meant creating a bazillion skill groups and that would have been a disaster from the administration point of view.

What we have done instead: built a database with agent profiles Skills and Languages, including indices and proficiency levels - this way we keep it totally separated from the organization that existed before in ICM. What we changed in ICM was just a few nodes in the routing scripts: namely, an application gateway node that sends a lookup message including the information about the desired Skill and Language to an application server, which in turn, transforms the message to a database query, on that database containing agent profiles. The results are ordered according to the logic, the unavailable agents are filtered out, and the list of agents is transmitted back to the application gateway. The ICM routing script then continues, with trying to deliver the call to each agent on the list that was provided by the lookup.

Of course, if there's no match, the call is queued to a skill group or sent to a voice mail system.

It's clean, it's simple, it just works.


Wow, I figured there would have been someone out there who would create such a system, but I'm curious to hear about how clean this actually is, I'm most curious on what level of effort is needed to add a new business.

Thank you,



if you're interested or if you need further references, I'll be glad to provide some.


Do you have some documentation available?  I'm just trying to understand what trade offs you had to deal with when moving the logic away from ICM.



I found that presentation we had done for our customer, here are the most important pages from it:

Still interested? ;-)


So do you utilize QtoSG nodes at all?  How do you do reporting on a team level?  Is there a degradation when you have thousands of agents?



yes, I do, if no there's no match, meaning there's no suitable agent available, the call is queued, using a Queue (to Skill Group) node, and there's a list of skill groups.

Reporting is not really an issue, the customer never used skill group based reporting, they always used some custom reporting that peeks into the TCD.

In this particular call center there's about two hundred agents - I did not have the chance yet to try this out with a > 1000 agents call center, unfortunately.


Does anyone know what the variable AgentOrdering does in the AssignmentQueue table? I am wondering if this is something new that allows us to set the priority within the skillgroup.

Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPad App

I've not seen a publically avaiable roadmap for 9.
