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UCCX 10.6 Resource Selection Criteria Most SKill

Level 1
Level 1

Good afternoon,  could some one help me how to configure Resource Selection Criteria by most skilled set?


I would like Agent A to answer only Spanish calls.   Unless there are no Spanish calls in queue, then, I need both Agent A & B to answer English calls by order of longest wait time.  Is that possible? 

I have configured as below and wondering if the calls will be distributed equally when there is no Spanish calls.... (by longest wait time) 


I have selected Resource Skills and Most skilled.

Agent A --> Spanish Skill (10)  & English Skill (5)

Agent B --> English Skill (10)


Please let me know How I can achieve this ...


Thank you


6 Replies 6


UCCX should automatically give you the call that has the longest wait time first. So you shouldn't have to worry about that.

How is your CSQ setup?

Is your Resource Selection Criteria set to "Most Skilled"

What is the Minimum Competence for English Skill?

Thank you for your reply.

Only one skill set is assigned to each CSQ and selection criteria is "Most skilled" and minimum EN skill is set as 5.

NK  :)

You can add the Spanish skill  to the English CSQ.

If the English Skill is (10), and the Spanish skill is (5), it should always pick the highest skilled agent, before going to the Spanish agents.


Jorge - Spanish (5)

Michael - English (10)


Michael would always get calls before Jorge.. 

If another call comes in while Michael is busy, it will ring Jorge's phone.

Jorge could also have Spanish calls in queue, and would still get ringed from English CSQ.

I am not sure if there is a way to eliminate calls going to Jorge if Spanish CSQ has calls... 

Thank you very much for your reply.  If I configured as you recommended  as below...


EN csq == EN Skill (5)  & SP skill (5)


Jorge - EN Skill (5)   & SP skill (10)

Michael - EN skill (10)


My question/concern is when there is no Spanish calls are in the queue, Michael is the one who is going to keep getting EN calls and Jorge will not get as much (means Jorge only receive EN calls when Michael is already on the EN call). 

My ideal incoming calls order will be, while Spanish calls are in the queue, all SP calls go to Jorge and all EN calls go to Michael.   When there is no SP calls in the queue, I would like both Michael and Jorge to take EN calls by longest available.... 


It is kind of mixing of skill set and longest available... I hope i didn't confused you by my call routing.... 


Thank you




As per your question 

I would like Agent A to answer only Spanish calls.   Unless there are no Spanish calls in queue, then, I need both Agent A & B to answer English calls by order of longest wait time.  Is that possible? 


2 CSQ's -> Spanish & English 

Spanish CSQ -> Resource Selection Criteria -> Most skilled 

English   CSQ -> Resource Selection Criteria -> Longest available 

Skill level for Agent A -> Spanish -> 10 and English -> 5 

Skill level for Agent B -> English -> 5 


Once done all Spanish calls will be sent to Agent A , For English call it will be based on longest available between A and B.


Thank you,

I will change the EN csq to longest available.


Thank you :)