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UCCX 8.02 Supervisor Desktop email not working

Hi Experts!

I have a request from my customer that he want to be able to configure different workflows based on number of calls waiting in queues!

Basically he want to send Email if certain Action criterias are fulfilled. When i specify Emial server and from and to  Email Addresses and run the TEST

i get an error saying: ERROR SENDING MAIL

I have premium license and also specified my SMTP server under the EMAILsubsystem. Can anybody help here?

Rgds, Mikael

5 Replies 5

Andrew Skelly
Level 7
Level 7

I'm assuming you are referring to the ability of CSD to send emails out when thresholds are met (i.e. longest in queue, total in queue, etc).

We had the same problem in UCCX 7.0.  To resolve we had to make the machine running supervisor configured as a mail relay server with a static IP address.  After that we were good to go.

Also, on a simpler note, make sure that email addresses are type correct.  Try sending to just one email first, make sure it isn't a mistyped email address.

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Thank you for your reply! Yeah you're right! We want the email to work based on certain thresholds have been reached!

So you mean that the SMTP relay need to be on the CSD desktop! Do you know why? Because the CSD desktop is a thrusted


Thx Mikael

Correct.  At least that is the way our network is setup.  We have to allow any PCs that need to send email to our mail relay server.  My secondary PC has an allowed IP (static assigned, not dynamic) and this is the PC that is running CSD with the programmed workflows.

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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Do a test to the mail server specified in the email alert.

telnet 25


I don't think i can Telnet "IP to mail server" 25 from my UCCX that have Version 8!

I'ts a closed Cisco Customized Linux CLI with no possibility for Telnet!