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UCCX 8 VOIP Monitor Subsystem - Out of Service

Level 3
Level 3


Upgraded CCX 701(SR5) to CCX 8.0.2 Premium HA enabled. Both Servers were IN SERVICE. Did a Patch upgrade to UCCX 8.0.2SU1. Noticed that VOIP Monitor Subsystem on both servers showing as OUT OF SERVICE. Downgraded to CCX 8.0.2, still get this Subsystem OUT OF SERVICE.

From RTMT, it shows the following error:

%MIVR-SS_VOIPMON_SRV-3-VOIP_OPERATION_ERROR:VOIP Subsystem Operation Error: Module Name=LRMConnection.readMSG, A specific description for a trace=erroris: ,

Anyone kows how to fix this problem???


1 Accepted Solution

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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


I would suggest you to reboot both the boxes by using the command "utils system restart" and see if it helps resolving the issue.

First restart the primary server wait till it comes up completely and then restart the secondary box.



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8 Replies 8

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


I would suggest you to reboot both the boxes by using the command "utils system restart" and see if it helps resolving the issue.

First restart the primary server wait till it comes up completely and then restart the secondary box.



Thank Anuj. I rebooted servers one after the other.I waited long enough for first node to come up completely before rebooting the second server. After reboot, VOIP Monitor Subsystem is IN SERVICE on both server.

I then upgraded these two servers to CCX 802SU1. Patiently wait for first node upgrade to complete. Then upgrade the second server. VOIP Monitor Subsystem is IN SERVICE on both servers.


Hi all,

   I am experiencing problem on starting up Cisco Desktop VoIP Monitor Service on CCX 8.5.1SU1 on my HA cluster.

   ciscouccx.851SU1.cop.sgn patch has been applied too without any luck.

I try reloading the servers without any luck too.

I shut down the second node, reboot the primary… again without luck.

Service become SHUTDOWN after a while.

   Do you have any suggestion?




I had a similar issue with another customer.  The cop file did solve the issue for them.   One quesiton is, have you logged onto the destop admin webpage and set the voip monitor interface and setup agents to use either SPAN or destkop recording directly?


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Hi and thanks for the reply.

I didn’t change anything on Desktop Admin side.

The VoIP monitor Service is the primary CCX

Under the VoIP Monitoring Devices (extensions & MACs) on the Monitor Service I have nothing (“-Select-“).

On the Desktop Monitoring Enabled is selected.

How should the setting be configured here?

Is there anything else to consider?


Steven Griffin
Level 4
Level 4

First off, let's all remember that we are using Linux now.  Reboots should not be our first method of fixing services that go a little wonky.  I recently had a customer who experienced this issue.  The fix was not to reboot the server but to restart the Cisco Desktop VoIP Monitor Service.   As soon as it finished initializing the VOIP Monitor Subsystem came back IN SERVICE.


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Hi all,

I had this same problem and similar/same versions.

Restarting Cisco DESKTOP VoIP Monitor Service (on sub - which had VoIP Monitor Service showing 'OOS') made no impact. I don't think there is any real relationship between DESKTOP VoIP monitor service and VoIP monitor service?

Anyway, restarted the same service on Pub - no change.

Tried restarting various sub services including CCX Engine - no change.

I found I had to restart publisher Cisco Unified CCX Engine, then go to sub and do the same once pub was back to all 'in service'.

I then found that my sub's 'Log Manager' under 'Cisco Unified CCX Serviceability' had gone to PARTIAL SERVICE.

I restarted 'Cisco Unified CCX Serviceability' on sub - which had to be done via CLI.

It appeared to restart no issue - but refreshing the list of services in the GUI several times - it still was in PARTIAL.

Restarted Sub appliance (bounced the server) from CLI, after reboot - all services were back up and IN SERVICE.

Thankfully I didn't have to restart my Pub - all services... IN SERVICE on pub & sub


PS. No calls were dropped for us.

Paul McGurn
Level 6
Level 6

Seems like every time we perform any kind of non-trivial maintenance on our 8.5.1SU2 (with cop file) implementation, this service always guarantees to be a headsche.  Can anoyone definitively answer whether this service is even a requirement if your'e not using SPAN monitoring (e.g., you're using Agent-based Desktop VOIP Monitoring instead?