We are trying to develop a custom JAR file to run inside a CCX script.
The JAR file will be responsible to do some HTTPs calls to a remote server, retrieve some data and then decrypt it.
The data is encrypted at the source using
PGP (Private/Public key encryption).
Without the decryption, everything works as expected and we are able to retrieve the data from the remote server.
Once I add the 3rd party PGP library (
Bouncy Castle) to the JAR file (I don't even have to use it, just list it as a dependency), when I upload the JAR and restart the CCX engine the Application Service will fail to start.
The error is:
Unable to load script: Script=hyro.aef,Exception=com.cisco.io.StreamCorruptedException: invalid type code: 04; unable to load expression; ensure all custom classes are available; nested exception is:
java.io.StreamCorruptedException: invalid type code: 04
Sometimes it's a similar message with "Inconsistent vector internals"