I've N7K1 and N7K2, both have auto-recovery enabled.
initial state:
N7K1 - vPC primary
N7K2 - vPC secondary
1. I am performing h/w upgrade so I am bringing down N7K2 (vPC secondary) and bring up n7k2 (vPC secondary) after h/w upgrade with all ports shutdown.
2. right before n7k2 - no shut on all interfaces, i'm bringing down n7k1 (Current vpc primary).
3. n7k2 had auto-recovery enabled, turn up keepalive, peerlink, it become operational primary. no shut on all vPC and orphan interfaces.
what should be the process to bring up N7k1? should auto-recovery be enabled? I tested follon on n7k1:
when auto-recovery enabled was enabled - it became primary after 240 seconds. I wasn't able to change its role.
when "no auto-recovery", its role stayed to operational secondary, after doing no shut on vPC ports, ports went to "suspended by vPC" state.
what's best way to bring up n7k1?