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Uplink Issue?? host to 3750

Level 1
Level 1

Having a bit of a problem with connectivity from host to network.  Running version 4.2(1)SV1(4).

port-profile type ethernet data-uplink
  vmware port-group
  switchport mode trunk
  switchport trunk native vlan 999
  switchport trunk allowed vlan 600,999,3244,3246,3248,3250,3252,3254
  channel-group auto mode on mac-pinning
  no shutdown
  system vlan 3246,3248,3250
  state enabled

01# sho mod
Mod  Ports  Module-Type                       Model               Status
---  -----  --------------------------------  ------------------  ------------
1    0      Virtual Supervisor Module         Nexus1000V          active *
3    248    Virtual Ethernet Module           NA                  ok
4    248    Virtual Ethernet Module           NA                  ok
5    248    Virtual Ethernet Module           NA                  ok
6    248    Virtual Ethernet Module           NA                  ok

Mod  Sw                Hw     
---  ----------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
1    4.2(1)SV1(4)      0.0                                             
3    4.2(1)SV1(4)      VMware ESXi 4.1.0 Releasebuild-348481 (2.0)     
4    4.2(1)SV1(4)      VMware ESXi 4.1.0 Releasebuild-348481 (2.0)     
5    4.2(1)SV1(4)      VMware ESXi 4.1.0 Releasebuild-348481 (2.0)     
6    4.2(1)SV1(4)      VMware ESXi 4.1.0 Releasebuild-348481 (2.0)    

Mod  MAC-Address(es)                         Serial-Num
---  --------------------------------------  ----------
1    00-19-07-6c-5a-a8 to 00-19-07-6c-62-a8  NA
3    02-00-0c-00-03-00 to 02-00-0c-00-03-80  NA
4    02-00-0c-00-04-00 to 02-00-0c-00-04-80  NA
5    02-00-0c-00-05-00 to 02-00-0c-00-05-80  NA
6    02-00-0c-00-06-00 to 02-00-0c-00-06-80  NA

Mod  Server-IP        Server-UUID                           Server-Name
---  ---------------  ------------------------------------  --------------------
1     NA                                    NA
3     34383733-3831-5553-4539-33384e324b46
4     34383733-3831-5553-4539-33384e324b44
5     34383733-3633-5553-4539-32394e305251
6     34383733-3633-5553-4539-32394e30524e

Drop VM's in this Port profile and they are no connected;

port-profile type vethernet VM-
  vmware port-group
  switchport mode access
  switchport access vlan 3252
  no shutdown
  description VM-Subnet-
  state enabled

Upstream ports are 3750 ports configured below:

interface GigabitEthernet4/0/28
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport trunk native vlan 999
switchport trunk allowed vlan 600,3244,3246,3248,3250,3252,3254
switchport mode trunk
no mdix auto
spanning-tree portfast

Port channel status on the 1000v:

01# sho port-channel sum
Flags:  D - Down        P - Up in port-channel (members)
        I - Individual  H - Hot-standby (LACP only)
        s - Suspended   r - Module-removed
        S - Switched    R - Routed
        U - Up (port-channel)
Group Port-       Type     Protocol  Member Ports
1     Po1(SU)     Eth      NONE      Eth4/1(P)    Eth4/2(P)    Eth4/4(P)
                                     Eth4/5(P)    Eth4/8(P)    Eth4/9(P)
2     Po2(SU)     Eth      NONE      Eth5/1(P)    Eth5/2(P)    Eth5/4(P)
                                     Eth5/5(P)    Eth5/8(P)    Eth5/9(P)
3     Po3(SU)     Eth      NONE      Eth6/1(P)    Eth6/2(P)    Eth6/4(P)
                                     Eth6/5(P)    Eth6/8(P)    Eth6/9(P)
5     Po5(SU)     Eth      NONE      Eth3/1(P)    Eth3/2(P)    Eth3/4(P)
                                     Eth3/5(P)    Eth3/8(P)    Eth3/9(P)

Need an idea of where to go.. Already have TAC case.

Moved the VM's using the 1000v port profile over to the VSwitch for now until I can get the port profile working agin.

2 Replies 2

Level 1
Level 1

Hey Paul,

Two questions for you...

First one: If you put a host on that port-profile and try to ping it, are you learning a MAC out of either of your corresponding eth ports?

Second one: Can you post output of "module vem # execute vemcmd show bd" and "module vem # execute vemcmd show trunk"? Where # is the module number of the VEM we're looking at, of course.

Hi Paul,

Whenever I got issues with uplinks there was the recomondation to use "spanning-tree portfast trunk" on the uplink port of your 3750

try this:

interface GigabitEthernet4/0/28

spanning-tree portfast



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