Hello, All!
I would like to setup my CallManager 8.6.2 lab so that by default 7965 phones have their display come on when there is an incoming call. Based on the CUCM documentation, I configured both the Common Phone Profile and Enterprise Parameters to override the default value and set it to "on." However, when a phone is manually added or autoregistered the standard value is set to "off." Have I missed a step? I have confirmed the device picks up the correct Common Phone Profile, but I also noticed the documentation states the following...
Select the "Override Common Settings" box for any setting in Product Specific Configuration area that you wish to update. If you do not check this box, the corresponding parameter setting does not take effect. Parameters that you set in the Product Specific Configuration area may also appear in the Device Configuration window for various devices and in the Enterprise Phone Configuration window. If you set these same parameters in these other windows too, the setting that takes precedence is determined in the following order: 1) Device Configuration window settings, 2) Common Phone Profile window settings, 3) Enterprise Phone Configuration window settings.
Thanks as always for the help!