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Cant connect to cisco unity administration page

Level 4
Level 4


I have a strange problem with my Cisco Unity Subscriber, when i try to connect the admin page I get "Log on failed - invalid User ID or Password" even the username and the password is correct.

I try to reset the password even I'm sure that the password is correct and try to login again and get the same error.

i try to reset the Cisco Tomcat and even this not help.

any idea what i can do?

Cisco Unity Version :



5 Replies 5

You wrote that you have this problem on the subscriber. Can you login on your publisher with the same user credentials? If so I would think that you likely have an issue with database replication.

Response Signature

Hey Roger,

thank you for your replay.

how the replication is connect to the issues? the admin user of the subscriber not came from cisco unity pub i can put another passwords for cisco unity sub without changing the password of publisher am i wrong? the user came from cisco unity pub?

The admin user account used for the webUI is the same on all nodes in the cluster.

Response Signature

Hey Roger,

thank you very much for your help.

I checked the replication and the replication is good, i try to rebuild the replication to check if its help and i get the same error.

any more idea?

Unfortunately no.

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