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Choosing between G722 and G711 not working after upgrade

Level 4
Level 4


     I have a subset of phones in our environment that are configured to not advertise the default G722 codec.  They are set up this way for call recording reasons.  All other phones use G722.  Before our upgrade, on CUCM 8.0, this worked fine and G711 would be negotiated for phones that were set up with the default G722.  We've recently upgrade to 8.6 and it is not working now.  If I configure the subset of phones to use G722, everything works fine.  Does anyone know where the problem might be?

1 Reply 1

Rob Huffman
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Hi Shikamarunara,

Hope all is well my friend

Maybe these new CUCM 8.6 parameters are playing havoc here;

New and Updated Enterprise and System Parameters

Enterprise Parameters

No new or updated enterprise parameters exist in Cisco Unified Communications Manager 8.6(1).

Service Parameters

To access the service parameters in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration, choose System > Service Parameters. Choose the server and the service name that the parameter supports. For some parameters, you may need to click Advanced  to display the service parameter. To display the help for the service  parameter, click the name of the service parameter in the window.

Enable  Source IP Address Verification for Software Media Devices—Use this  parameter to determine whether the source IP address of the Annunciator  and Music On Hold servers are verified to be registered Cisco Unified  Communications Manager nodes in the cluster. This parameter is applicable only when the enterprise parameter Cluster Security Mode is set to 1 (mixed mode).

Disable  G.711u-law (64 kb/s and 56 kb/s) and G.711a-law (64 kb/s and 56 kb/s)  codecs—Disable these parameters to minimize use of transcoders during  Consult Conference/Transfer when you use BIB Recording. When you disable  both codecs, Cisco Unified Communications Manager will reference the  Static Selection Table and select the next available codec that devices  and applications support.

Locations-based  Maximum Bandwidth Enforcement Level for MLPP Calls—Use this parameter  to determine the level of bandwidth restriction that Cisco Unified  Communications Manager enforces for a location when bandwidth reaches  the threshold of becoming oversubscribed.

SIP  V.150 Outbound SDP Offer Filtering—Use this parameter to set the SIP  V.150 outbound SDP offer filtering option. This parameter determines  whether the SIP trunk performs filtering on transmitted SDP offers to  remove MER or pre-MER V.150 content. Valid values specify No Filtering  (the SIP trunk does not perform any filtering on outbound V.150 SDP  lines); Remove MER V.150 (the SIP trunk removes MER lines in outbound  SDP offers; use this value to reduce ambiguity when a trunk is connected  to a pre-MER V.150 Unified CM); or Remove Pre-MER V.150 (the SIP trunk  removes any non-MER-compliant lines in outbound SDP offers; if your  cluster is contained within a network of MER-compliant devices that are  incapable of processing an offer with pre-MER lines, choose this value).  This is a required field and the default is No Filtering.



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