05-09-2013 08:37 AM - edited 03-16-2019 05:14 PM
Hi, i am configuring CME (2811) with PRI line for first time, i can receive call from outside (to spefic extension) but when i dial outside number it shows (unknow number)
I did show isdn status : under L2 it shows "MULTIPLE_FRAME_ESTABLISHED"
This is my config.
ip dhcp pool Voice
option 150 ip
isdn switch-type primary-net5
voice service voip
allow-connections h323 to h323
allow-connections h323 to sip
no supplementary-service sip handle-replaces
voice-card 0
dsp services dspfarm
controller E1 0/1/0
framing NO-CRC4
pri-group timeslots 1-10,16
interface FastEthernet0/0
description Connected to LAN
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface Serial0/1/0:15
no ip address
encapsulation hdlc
isdn switch-type primary-net5
isdn incoming-voice voice
no cdp enable
voice-port 0/1/0:15
timeouts call-disconnect 5
timeouts wait-release 5
connection plar 201
voice-port 0/1/1:15
dial-peer voice 201 pots
destination-pattern 9[3-7].......
port 0/1/0:15
forward-digits 8
dial-peer voice 1 pots
description all-incoming-outgoing
incoming called-number .
port 0/1/0:15
max-ephones 35
max-dn 48
ip source-address port 2000
auto assign 1 to 40
max-conferences 8 gain -6
transfer-system full-consult
secondary-dialtone 9
ephone-dn 1 dual-line
number 201
ephone-dn 2 dual-line
number 202
ephone 1
device-security-mode none
button 1:1
ephone 2
device-security-mode none
button 1:2
05-09-2013 09:53 AM
Please post "debug isdn q931" for the call, most likely you are sending the 3 digit internal number and telco is rejecting it. You can build a translation rule to convert the 3 digit number to a DID of the user or main number. If you let us know the DID range we can help you with building it.
05-09-2013 02:47 PM
Hi Chris,
How can i do translation rule, i beleive it is sending 3 digits as u mentioned, but i dont have access to it currently to do debug. my local number is 8 digits. what is DID ?, is there any template config. for such config ?
plz help me in this
05-09-2013 02:48 PM
also is my config correct ? do i need to add anything more ?
05-10-2013 05:56 AM
Here is good doc on translation rules:
You did not post full config, so I will not comment on anything missing until you post full config.
HTH, please rate all useful posts!
05-10-2013 07:25 AM
Hi Chris, this is my config, i am also wonderinging why should i made the dialpeer number same as ephone number and do i need to make dialpeer for each ephone ?
CISCO2811#sh run
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 8429 bytes
version 15.1
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname CISCO2811
! card type command needed for slot/vwic-slot 0/0
no aaa new-model
network-clock-participate wic 1
dot11 syslog
ip source-route
ip cef
ip dhcp pool Voice
option 150 ip
no ip domain lookup
no ipv6 cef
multilink bundle-name authenticated
isdn switch-type primary-net5
voice service voip
allow-connections h323 to h323
allow-connections h323 to sip
no supplementary-service sip handle-replaces
voice-card 0
dsp services dspfarm
crypto pki token default removal timeout 0
crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-2563656353
enrollment selfsigned
subject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-2563656353
revocation-check none
rsakeypair TP-self-signed-2563656353
crypto pki certificate chain TP-self-signed-2563656353
certificate self-signed 01
3082022B 30820194 A0030201 02020101 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 05050030
31312F30 2D060355 04031326 494F532D 53656C66 2D536967 6E65642D 43657274
69666963 6174652D 32353633 36353633 3533301E 170D3133 30333138 30343033
34305A17 0D323030 31303130 30303030 305A3031 312F302D 06035504 03132649
4F532D53 656C662D 5369676E 65642D43 65727469 66696361 74652D32 35363336
35363335 3330819F 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 01050003 818D0030 81890281
8100BB45 EA81E9BF 28CA2553 8278303F 6CFB65AA DB5B9157 942AE85F 229CA26C
8F98550B 78247BC3 D0C71555 06486D01 A8F1CF14 59DDC789 B553E756 97F52E8A
1C6F084B F169D182 C7BD722A 6E3D3D82 EA4F58CD 28C42522 2FDB8F90 F6A1A344
CF556967 72F92172 C5A71EB4 27D50F70 5A54EA07 0980EECD D258C8B3 9B5385FA
76650203 010001A3 53305130 0F060355 1D130101 FF040530 030101FF 301F0603
551D2304 18301680 142337F4 C1B84035 BF31EDD9 84ACBCC8 A849671A 51301D06
03551D0E 04160414 2337F4C1 B84035BF 31EDD984 ACBCC8A8 49671A51 300D0609
2A864886 F70D0101 05050003 81810086 43B1FDA9 3CBD3E3F 12F5D734 3BF3EDA2
976124EF 19364047 F2A0D46C EF188CFB 93D38252 21C45345 358BF1DF AB27FFC2
1325B012 F69A06B3 959AD987 11C056D1 1FE823C8 538781DC 27C63C1C 0495F9A9
E2C3B5F2 261ED2BB 7E09865D 934C273A FCC272D7 A9A50BB9 C9D0C15B 6D9074A2
DAC6E077 F2C978D7 6C80D79C 8B4024
username admin privilege 15 password 0 admin
controller E1 0/1/0
framing NO-CRC4
pri-group timeslots 1-10,16
controller E1 0/1/1
interface FastEthernet0/0
description Connected to LAN
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface FastEthernet0/1
no ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface Serial0/1/0:15
no ip address
encapsulation hdlc
isdn switch-type primary-net5
isdn incoming-voice voice
no cdp enable
ip forward-protocol nd
ip http server
ip http authentication local
ip http secure-server
ip http timeout-policy idle 600 life 86400 requests 10000
voice-port 0/1/0:15
timeouts call-disconnect 5
timeouts wait-release 5
connection plar 207
voice-port 0/1/1:15
mgcp profile default
dial-peer voice 937 pots
destination-pattern 9[3-7].......
port 0/1/0:15
forward-digits 8
dial-peer voice 1 pots
description all-incoming-outgoing
incoming called-number .
port 0/1/0:15
dial-peer voice 201 pots
destination-pattern 9[3-7].......
port 0/1/0:15
forward-digits 8
dial-peer voice 204 pots
destination-pattern 9[3-7].......
port 0/1/0:15
forward-digits 8
dial-peer voice 207 pots
translation-profile incoming XLATE_CALLED
translation-profile outgoing profile1
incoming called-number .
port 0/1/0:15
forward-digits 8
max-ephones 35
max-dn 48
ip source-address port 2000
auto assign 1 to 40
time-zone 31
time-format 24
max-conferences 8 gain -6
transfer-system full-consult
secondary-dialtone 9
create cnf-files version-stamp 7960 May 07 2013 05:07:40
ephone-dn 1 dual-line
number 201
ephone-dn 2 dual-line
number 202
ephone-dn 3 dual-line
number 203
ephone-dn 4
number 204
ephone-dn 5 dual-line
number 205
ephone-dn 6 dual-line
number 206
ephone-dn 7 dual-line
number 207
ephone-dn 8 dual-line
number 208
ephone-dn 9 dual-line
number 209
ephone-dn 10 dual-line
number 210
ephone-dn 11 dual-line
number 211
ephone-dn 12 dual-line
number 212
ephone-dn 13 dual-line
number 213
ephone-dn 14 dual-line
number 214
ephone-dn 15 dual-line
number 215
ephone-dn 16 dual-line
number 216
ephone-dn 17 dual-line
number 217
ephone-dn 18 dual-line
number 218
ephone-dn 19 dual-line
number 219
ephone-dn 20 dual-line
number 220
ephone-dn 21 dual-line
number 221
ephone-dn 22 dual-line
number 222
ephone-dn 23 dual-line
number 223
ephone-dn 24 dual-line
number 224
ephone-dn 25 dual-line
number 225
ephone-dn 26 dual-line
number 226
ephone-dn 27 dual-line
number 227
ephone-dn 28 dual-line
number 228
ephone-dn 29 dual-line
number 229
ephone-dn 30 dual-line
number 230
ephone 1
device-security-mode none
mac-address 8478.ACE7.C350
type 7945
button 1:1
ephone 2
device-security-mode none
mac-address 8478.ACE7.BF21
type 7945
button 1:2
ephone 3
device-security-mode none
mac-address 8478.ACE7.C2CA
type 7945
button 1:3
ephone 4
device-security-mode none
mac-address 8478.ACE7.C3BD
type 7945
button 1:7
ephone 5
device-security-mode none
mac-address 8478.ACC7.8ABB
max-calls-per-button 2
type 6921
button 1:5
ephone 6
device-security-mode none
mac-address 7010.5C5E.3C4A
type 7942
button 1:6
ephone 7
device-security-mode none
ephone 8
device-security-mode none
ephone 9
device-security-mode none
ephone 10
device-security-mode none
ephone 11
device-security-mode none
ephone 12
device-security-mode none
ephone 13
device-security-mode none
ephone 14
device-security-mode none
ephone 15
device-security-mode none
ephone 16
device-security-mode none
ephone 17
device-security-mode none
ephone 18
device-security-mode none
ephone 19
device-security-mode none
ephone 20
device-security-mode none
ephone 21
device-security-mode none
ephone 22
device-security-mode none
ephone 23
device-security-mode none
ephone 25
device-security-mode none
ephone 26
device-security-mode none
ephone 27
device-security-mode none
ephone 28
device-security-mode none
ephone 29
device-security-mode none
ephone 30
device-security-mode none
ephone 201
device-security-mode none
ephone 204
device-security-mode none
alias exec con conf t
alias exec sib show ip int brief
alias exec srb show run | b
alias exec sri show run int
line con 0
exec-timeout 0 0
logging synchronous
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
privilege level 15
login local
transport input telnet ssh
transport output telnet ssh
line vty 5 15
privilege level 15
login local
transport input telnet ssh
transport output telnet ssh
scheduler allocate 20000 1000
05-10-2013 07:41 AM
Dial-peer tags have nothing to do with ephones or ephone-dns, dialpeers are global and shared by all phones unless you dont want that in which case you need to build cor lists. Please specify what your issue besides caller ID is and what can we help you with.
05-10-2013 10:12 AM
Hi Chris,
issue is i canot make calls to outside, when ever i press 9 to do calls (local, mobile, or international) directly it says unknow number, but i when i dial from outside ext 207 rings normally. only outside calls not working
05-10-2013 12:31 PM
What number are you dialing?
"debug isdn q931" would be very helpful here.
It looks like you have a partial PRI, are you sure all 10 channels are available to you?
05-11-2013 02:04 AM
hi Chris,
debug isdn q931 output
*May 11 09:11:05.982: ISDN Se0/1/0:15 Q931: Applying typeplan for sw-type 0x12 is 0x0 0x1, Calling num 207
*May 11 09:11:05.982: ISDN Se0/1/0:15 Q931: Sending SETUP callref = 0x0088 callID = 0x8009 switch = primary-net5 interface = User
*May 11 09:11:05.986: ISDN Se0/1/0:15 Q931: TX -> SETUP pd = 8 callref = 0x0088
Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A3
Standard = CCITT
Transfer Capability = Speech
Transfer Mode = Circuit
Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s
Channel ID i = 0xA9838A
Exclusive, Channel 10
Progress Ind i = 0x8183 - Origination address is non-ISDN
Calling Party Number i = 0x0180, '207'
Plan:ISDN, Type:Unknown
Called Party Number i = 0x81, '55080967'
Plan:ISDN, Type:Unknown
*May 11 09:11:06.094: ISDN Se0/1/0:15 Q931: RX <- RELEASE_COMP pd = 8 callref = 0x8088
Cause i = 0x829C00000000 - Invalid number format (incomplete number)
*May 11 09:11:06.110: ISDN Se0/1/0:15 Q931: Applying typeplan for sw-type 0x12 is 0x0 0x1, Calling num 207
CISCO2811#May 11 09:11:06.114: ISDN Se0/1/0:15 Q931: Sending SETUP callref = 0x0089 callID = 0x800A switch = primary-net5 interface = User
*May 11 09:11:06.114: ISDN Se0/1/0:15 Q931: TX -> SETUP pd = 8 callref = 0x0089
Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A3
Standard = CCITT
Transfer Capability = Speech
Transfer Mode = Circuit
Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s
Channel ID i = 0xA9838A
Exclusive, Channel 10
Progress Ind i = 0x8183 - Origination address is non-ISDN
Calling Party Number i = 0x0180, '207'
Plan:ISDN, Type:Unknown
Called Party Number i = 0x81, '55080967'
Plan:ISDN, Type:Unknown
*May 11 09:11:06.178: ISDN Se0/1/0:15 Q931: RX <- RELEASE_COMP pd = 8 callref = 0x8089
Cause i = 0x829C00000000 - Invalid number format (incomplete number)
*May 11 09:11:06.190: ISDN Se0/1/0:15 Q931: Applying typeplan for sw-type 0x12 is 0x0 0x1, Calling num 207
*May 11 09:11:06.194: ISDN Se0/1/0:15 Q931: Sending SETUP callref = 0x008A callID = 0x800B switch = primary-net5 interface = User
*May 11 09:11:06.194: ISDN Se0/1/0:15 Q931: TX -> SETUP pd = 8 callref = 0x008A
Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A3
Standard = CCITT
Transfer Capability = Speech
Transfer Mode = Circuit
Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s
Channel ID i = 0xA9838A
Exclusive, Channel 10
Progress Ind i = 0x8183 - Origination address is non-ISDN
Calling Party Number i = 0x0180, '207'
Plan:ISDN, Type:Unknown
Called Party Number i = 0x81, '55080967'
Plan:ISDN, Type:Unknown
*May 11 09:11:06.266: ISDN Se0/1/0:15 Q931: RX <- RELEASE_COMP pd = 8 callref = 0x808A
Cause i = 0x829C00000000 - Invalid number format (incomplete number)
*May 11 09:11:06.282: ISDN Se0/1/0:15 Q931: Applying typeplan for sw-type 0x12 is 0x0 0x1, Calling num 207
*May 11 09:11:06.286: ISDN Se0/1/0:15 Q931: Sending SETUP callref = 0x008B callID = 0x800C switch = primary-net5 interface = User
*May 11 09:11:06.286: ISDN Se0/1/0:15 Q931: TX -> SETUP pd = 8 callref = 0x008B
Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A3
Standard = CCITT
Transfer Capability = Speech
Transfer Mode = Circuit
Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s
Channel ID i = 0xA9838A
Exclusive, Channel 10
Progress Ind i = 0x8183 - Origination address is non-ISDN
Calling Party Number i = 0x0180, '207'
Plan:ISDN, Type:Unknown
Called Party Number i = 0x81, '55080967'
Plan:ISDN, Type:Unknown
*May 11 09:11:06.378: ISDN Se0/1/0:15 Q931: RX <- RELEASE_COMP pd = 8 callref = 0x808B
Cause i = 0x829C00000000 - Invalid number format (incomplete number)
*May 11 09:11:05.982: ISDN Se0/1/0:15 Q931: Applying typeplan for sw-type 0x12 is 0x0 0x1, Calling num 207
*May 11 09:11:05.982: ISDN Se0/1/0:15 Q931: Sending SETUP callref = 0x0088 callID = 0x8009 switch = primary-net5 interface = User
*May 11 09:11:05.986: ISDN Se0/1/0:15 Q931: TX -> SETUP pd = 8 callref = 0x0088
Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A3
Standard = CCITT
Transfer Capability = Speech
Transfer Mode = Circuit
Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s
Channel ID i = 0xA9838A
Exclusive, Channel 10
Progress Ind i = 0x8183 - Origination address is non-ISDN
Calling Party Number i = 0x0180, '207'
Plan:ISDN, Type:Unknown
Called Party Number i = 0x81, '55080967'
Plan:ISDN, Type:Unknown
*May 11 09:11:06.094: ISDN Se0/1/0:15 Q931: RX <- RELEASE_COMP pd = 8 callref = 0x8088
Cause i = 0x829C00000000 - Invalid number format (incomplete number)
*May 11 09:11:06.110: ISDN Se0/1/0:15 Q931: Applying typeplan for sw-type 0x12 is 0x0 0x1, Calling num 207
CISCO2811#May 11 09:11:06.114: ISDN Se0/1/0:15 Q931: Sending SETUP callref = 0x0089 callID = 0x800A switch = primary-net5 interface = User
*May 11 09:11:06.114: ISDN Se0/1/0:15 Q931: TX -> SETUP pd = 8 callref = 0x0089
Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A3
Standard = CCITT
Transfer Capability = Speech
Transfer Mode = Circuit
Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s
Channel ID i = 0xA9838A
Exclusive, Channel 10
Progress Ind i = 0x8183 - Origination address is non-ISDN
Calling Party Number i = 0x0180, '207'
Plan:ISDN, Type:Unknown
Called Party Number i = 0x81, '55080967'
Plan:ISDN, Type:Unknown
*May 11 09:11:06.178: ISDN Se0/1/0:15 Q931: RX <- RELEASE_COMP pd = 8 callref = 0x8089
Cause i = 0x829C00000000 - Invalid number format (incomplete number)
*May 11 09:11:06.190: ISDN Se0/1/0:15 Q931: Applying typeplan for sw-type 0x12 is 0x0 0x1, Calling num 207
*May 11 09:11:06.194: ISDN Se0/1/0:15 Q931: Sending SETUP callref = 0x008A callID = 0x800B switch = primary-net5 interface = User
*May 11 09:11:06.194: ISDN Se0/1/0:15 Q931: TX -> SETUP pd = 8 callref = 0x008A
Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A3
Standard = CCITT
Transfer Capability = Speech
Transfer Mode = Circuit
Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s
Channel ID i = 0xA9838A
Exclusive, Channel 10
Progress Ind i = 0x8183 - Origination address is non-ISDN
Calling Party Number i = 0x0180, '207'
Plan:ISDN, Type:Unknown
Called Party Number i = 0x81, '55080967'
Plan:ISDN, Type:Unknown
*May 11 09:11:06.266: ISDN Se0/1/0:15 Q931: RX <- RELEASE_COMP pd = 8 callref = 0x808A
Cause i = 0x829C00000000 - Invalid number format (incomplete number)
*May 11 09:11:06.282: ISDN Se0/1/0:15 Q931: Applying typeplan for sw-type 0x12 is 0x0 0x1, Calling num 207
*May 11 09:11:06.286: ISDN Se0/1/0:15 Q931: Sending SETUP callref = 0x008B callID = 0x800C switch = primary-net5 interface = User
*May 11 09:11:06.286: ISDN Se0/1/0:15 Q931: TX -> SETUP pd = 8 callref = 0x008B
Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A3
Standard = CCITT
Transfer Capability = Speech
Transfer Mode = Circuit
Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s
Channel ID i = 0xA9838A
Exclusive, Channel 10
Progress Ind i = 0x8183 - Origination address is non-ISDN
Calling Party Number i = 0x0180, '207'
Plan:ISDN, Type:Unknown
Called Party Number i = 0x81, '55080967'
Plan:ISDN, Type:Unknown
*May 11 09:11:06.378: ISDN Se0/1/0:15 Q931: RX <- RELEASE_COMP pd = 8 callref = 0x808B
Cause i = 0x829C00000000 - Invalid number format (incomplete number)
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