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Does ATA 186 will support audio confrencing or not

I have an ATA 186 where thrid party audio confrencing unit (CLEARONE-INTEACT PRO ) has connected . Now the third party vendor is asking me

wheather cisco will support confrencing on ATA

Does they will get some kind of acknowledgement that once they dial first number and for dialing second number .

Basicaly howmany lines dows ATA 186 supports

Can anyone please help me out...

Breeze Joseph Kuriakose Sr Network Engineer
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Level 1

The ATA186 simply provides two FXS ports to connect dumb POTS devices. You won't be able to do anything more with the ClearOne than you can with a very basic analog hanset plugged in to the ATA.

We have a ClearOne on a VG224 port (so effectively the same thing as an ATA). To use it for multiparty conferencing we set up the conference using a regular handset (eg 7945) in the meeting room and conference in the analog extension of the ClearOne, so it's just one more party in the conference.

I was amazed that a system as expensive and over-engineered as the ClearOne can't connect via IP and SIP. For all the fancy amps and speakers and expensive mics etc etc etc, you're calling over a POTS line, so quality is never going to be any good. Our room-size ClearOne system never gets used, people prefer the significantly better quality they get using a Cisco 7937 with the extra mics.