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Expressway 12.5.1 Compatibility with CUCM 11.5

Tim Walker
Level 1
Level 1

Hello all.


I cannot find any specific information from CIsco that states Expressway 12.5.1 is supported on CUCM 11.5. The link below details support for 8.11 but nothing for 12.5.1. I need to be sure that this is more Cisco being slack in updating the page rather than CUCM 11.5 is not supported. 


Can anyone provide any more information/detail on this?

5 Replies 5

Jaime Valencia
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Compatibility for what?







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For this particular customer all three, they have 4 Expressways connected to their CUCM 11.5 cluster. They have no plans to upgrade to 12.5 until it is more mature, but would like to keep their Expressways current. 

Level 1
Level 1

If anyone can possibly provide some clarification on this question I am also seeking this information as well.  We are looking at upgrading our expressway from X8.11.1 to a newer version and we have CUCM 11.5.1 SU4.  Due to our existing UCCX cluster we can't upgrade to CUCM 12 until we finish moving our users to a newer UCCX instance, but we would like to upgrade our expressways sooner.  I have been unable to find clarification if we are safe to move to the newest X12 release or if we should just go to X8.11.4 until we have upgraded our CUCM cluster.  Any info or links that clarify if there is any dependency would be greatly appreciated.

You are all good to upgrade your Expressways to 12.X, I had it officially confirmed by TAC it is supported on CUCM 11.5. Moreover, I have numerous customers using this combination with no problems. Expressways are being used for B2B, MRA and Hybrid Cloud. 

Level 1
Level 1

There is a Compatibility of Expressway Matrix, that wrote there last version that CUCM 11.5 is expressway version  8.9.1 

but I've experienced CUCM 11.5 with expressway 8.11.3 and it's worked without any issue,


link of Matrix compatibility




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