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Firmware Upgrades using BAT Tool in batches


I am trying to find a easy way of doing site wide firmware upgrades in batches of phones accross small links.Our environment has over 5000 phones accross many sites some of which have small network links running 7.1.5 and 5nodesI have installed all firmwares and set the device defaults for the phones to the old version for now while we do site by site using the below method

Bat > Phones > Update phones > Query > Then choosing device pool and then the model phone number > then adding the new phone load name manually in the query and running that .

My predicament is that I ran a test site and set 50 phones to upgrade - including 3 different model phones, even with Peer firmware sharing for a couple of phone models it still killed the link and started throwing RTMT messages. The phones also registered to the secondary publisher because of this.

Some of the numbers of phones go into the 100's for the BAT tool query. I have to run smaller batches, however this involves a lot of manual messy work. There has to be another way around this. Hoping you may help with your expertise..

I understand that we can just restart all phones but this will kill the links and cause problems

Does anyone have any good advice or a way this can be a lot easier to do?

1 Reply 1

   Although the below helps, still looking at a way of scheduling better if anyone can help out..   

So you can use a local router as a TFTP server, ftp all the firmware files to the router, set the phone load name and load server options on the phone device. Add the local router TFTP server Ip address to the load server text box and this sets the phone to get the firmware from the local router not sending the files accross the WAN :-)