CUCM 8.x integrated with Active Directory, the phone number format at the AD is 123-456-7890 with the dash "-" added. The CUCM IP Phone format will be the last 5-digits of the above format.
From the directory we can select to call by the above format (123-456-7890) by translation patterns to last 5-digits.
Now the IPT has CUP 8.5 integrated, and we would like the end-user phone to see the other user's phone status from the phone directory. I am trying to using the calling party transformation patterns to translate the format 123-456-7890 to the last 5-digits. However the calling party transformation pattern will not accept the dash "-" in the patterns.
I understand one way to solve this is to ask the AD administrator to change the phone format to remove the dash "-", but it will involve a lot management tasks.
Just wonder if anyone can tell me to deal with above requirement: from the phone directory to see the phone status with the format 123-456-7890 with the phone DN format: last 5-digits.