I have a 2811 router that was a CME installation, years ago and then it became the SIP gateway for a standard Call Mgr implmention. Today, we outsource our voip system to an external provider. Because of this, I wanted to remove all voice configurations. I removed the transport protocols (udp & tcp) for the SIP-UA service and then attempted the following commands but the service still shows up as running. Since we outsource our VoiP system, I don't think we need teh SIP-UA service running. What command do I run to completely remove it?
router#sh sip-ua service
SIP Service is up
Remainging voice configuration:
router(config)#no sip-ua
voice translation-rule 7
rule 1 /^7/ //
voice translation-profile strip-7
translate called 7
voice-card 0
dsp services dspfarm
mgcp fax t38 ecm
sccp local Vlan1
sccp ip precedence 3
sccp ccm group 1
associate profile 1 register mtp00
dspfarm profile 1 transcode
codec g711ulaw
codec g711alaw
codec g729ar8
codec g729abr8
codec g729r8
codec g729br8
maximum sessions 2
associate application SCCP
dial-peer voice 911 pots
trunkgroup 1
translation-profile outgoing strip-7
destination-pattern 7911
forward-digits all
dial-peer voice 10 pots
trunkgroup 1
translation-profile outgoing strip-7
destination-pattern 7T
forward-digits all
secondary-dialtone 7
max-conferences 4 gain -6
transfer-system full-consult
ip source-address port 2000
max-ephones 30
max-dn 120 dual-line
sdspfarm units 5
sdspfarm transcode sessions 2
system message primary SRST Mode - contact IT
transfer-pattern .T
voicemail 600
call-forward pattern .T
moh flash:moh.wav
time-zone 8