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How to upload the license CallManager to IP PHONE

Level 1
Level 1

I have to install some IP PHONES to CallManager 5.X but the phones were not bought with licence for CallManager into the phones.

The question is how to upload the license to the Phone.

if the telephone doesn't have installed the license into the phone, how the phone boot?

Could some body help to get a better idea how to face this issue.


Walter Flores

7 Replies 7

paolo bevilacqua
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame


the phone cannot be uploaded with a license, and works in itself independently from any licensing issue.

The enforcement of licenses is done at CM level only.

Hope this helps, please rate post if it does!

Hi Bevilacqua, thank for answering.

there are some part number for CallManager for each kind of phones for instance:

SW-CCM-UL-7912 CallManager Unit License for single 7912 IP Phone.

SW-CCM-UL-7911 CallManager RTU License for single 7911 IP Phone.

if Cisco deliveries the phone without the license for CallManager load in the phone,

the phone will work??



Yes, it will work. In the "Honor System" sometime adopted by cisco, these are purely paper licenses.

There is no "license load" in the phone.

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HI Bevilacqua,

Thank very much for your answers and time I have this clear.



Rob Huffman
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Hi Walter,

Just wanted to add a note to the good help from Paolo. In CCM 5.x and above IP Phones require DLU's or Device License Units that must be purchased from Cisco;

Device licenses are required for Cisco devices and for third-party devices,with the flexibility to replace third-party devices with Cisco devices. Device licenses are sold in increments of device-license units (DLU's). Device-license units are assigned to each device connected to Cisco Unified CallManager 5.0. Each device is assigned a unit number based on the type and capabilities of the device. Devices with more complex and high-end capabilities are assigned a higher number of units compared to devices with basic capabilities,

From this good Q & A doc;


Application and phone software licenses are enforced. The system manages the maximum number of devices that can be provisioned.

• Each device (Cisco Unified IP phones, third-party devices, and video devices) provisioned in the system corresponds to a number of device license units (DLUs), depending on its capabilities; the total number of units is managed in Cisco Unified CallManager to determine capacity.

• DLUs must be purchased to cover the number of devices connected to Cisco Unified CallManager.

• Third-party SIP devices require DLUs for operation with Cisco Unified CallManager.

Here is the DLU breakdown;

Cisco Unified IP Phone 7902G = 1

Cisco Unified IP Phone 7905G = 2

Cisco Unified IP Phone 7911G = 3

Cisco Unified IP Phone 7912G = 3

Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 7920 (no battery) = 4

Cisco Unified IP Conference Station 7936 = 3

Cisco Unified IP Phone 7940G = 4

Cisco Unified IP Phone 7941G = 4

Cisco Unified IP Phone 7941G-GE = 4

Cisco Unified IP Phone 7960G = 4

Cisco Unified IP Phone 7961G = 4

Cisco Unified IP Phone 7961G-GE = 4

Cisco Unified IP Phone 7970G = 5

Cisco Unified IP Phone 7971G = 5

Cisco Unified IP Phone 7985G = 6

Third-party SIP device (basic) = 3 (third-party)

Third-party SIP device (advanced) = 6 (third-party



Step 1 Choose System > License > Upload License File.

The License File Upload window displays.

Step 2 The Existing License Files drop-down list box displays the license files that are already uploaded to the server.


Note Click View File to view the file content of any existing files.


Step 3 To choose a new license file to upload, click Upload License File.

The Upload File pop-up window displays.

Step 4 Browse and choose a license file to upload to the server.

Step 5 Click Upload License File.

After the upload process is complete, the Upload Result file displays.

Step 6 Click Close.

Step 7 In the License File Upload window, the status of the uploaded file displays.

Hope this helps!


I love the part "7920 (no battery)" in the doc above.

Ah the follies of reviewing :)

Hi Rob,

Thank for your very useful information.


Walter Flores