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License Issue from MCS 6.1.3 to UCS 9.0

Level 1
Level 1

Hello all,

We are upgarding CUCM from 6.1.3 MCS to 9.1 UCS. Our plan is to jump from 6.1.3 to 6.1.5 to 9.1.

We took backup of 6.1.3 MCS via Disaster Backup Recovery & restore it at UCS after new installation of 6.1.3.

We contacted cisco licensing team to issue us temporaray license for 6.1.3 for UCS so that we can proceed to upgrade process. Cisco issued us license but we are not able to install it successfully. Its giving attached mac-address mismatch error.

We contacted back to license team again & they confirmed there is no issue in license file, its some thing with the system.

Can any one advise what could be wrong with system. I am sending the output from system, screen shot of error & license file.

Please advise.

admin:show status

Host Name    : MOSD-PUB

Date         : Sun Oct 20, 2013 10:45:15

Time Zone    : Asia/Bahrain

Locale       : en_US.UTF-8

Product Ver  :

Platform Ver :


10:45:16  up 6 days, 22:41,  2 users,  load average: 0.05, 0.02, 0.00

CPU Idle:                          %  System:  00.00%    User:   00.00%

  IOWAIT:  00.00%     IRQ:  00.00%    Soft:  00.00%   Intr/sec: 107.00

Memory Total:        6154152K

        Free:        1160032K

        Used:        4994120K

      Cached:        3307852K

      Shared:              0K

     Buffers:         109412K

                        Total             Free            Used

Disk/active         20303712K        8864384K       11233056K (56%)

Disk/inactive       20303744K       19239544K          32828K (1%)

Disk/logging        70643356K       50605548K       16449292K (25%)



admin:show network eth0 detail

Ethernet 0

DHCP         : disabled            Status     : up

IP Address   :         IP Mask    :

Link Detected: yes                Mode       : Auto disabled, full, 100 Mbits/s

Duplicate IP : no

Queue Length : 1000               MTU        : 1500

MAC Address  : 00:0c:29:6b:f8:ec

RX stats:

  bytes   :      9299290   packets :       102331   errors :            0

  dropped :            0   overrun  :            0   mcast  :            0

TX stats:

  bytes   :     36462086   packets :       386068   errors :            0

  dropped :            0   carrier :            0   colsns :            0


Not configured.

Gateway      : on Ethernet 0



admin:show hardware

HW  Platform       : VMware Virtual Machine (Unsupported Platform)

Processors        : 2

Type              : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2609 0 @ 2.40GHz

CPU Speed         : 2400

Memory            : 6144 MBytes

Object ID         :

OS Version        : UCOS

Serial Number     : VMware-56 4d aa 54 3b ee 93 c2-c4 91 ac eb be 6b f8 ec

RAID Version      :

Firmware version not known

BIOS Information  :

Vendor: Phoenix Technologies LTD

Version: 6.00

Release Date: 09/21/2011

RAID Details      :

RAID not  configured



30 Replies 30

Hi Jaime,

Yes jamie, Cisco License team were aware of the whole situation & they said we dont know the reason but our license file is correct.

As haitham & Brian suggested, in this situation where call manager service is down, can i proceed the upgradation process on UCS from 6.1.3 to 6.1.5 then 9.X ?

Hi Anis

Can you take a look on the below document , please?.

1) Perform a DRS backup of the entire cluster

2) Install refresh upgrade Cisco Options Package (COP) file

3) Upgrade to Release 9.1(1)

4) Perform a DRS backup of the entire cluster

5) Create new virtual machines with Release 9.0 OVAs

6) Install Release 9.1(1) using the same hostnames and IP addresses as the physical cluster

7) Restore DRS backup on the entire cluster

8) Verify database replication and consistency

9) Migrate previous licenses into Enterprise License Manager

Thank you

please rate all useful information

Jaime Valencia
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Problem here, is that what you're doing is not supported anyway, a jump upgrade is ONLY TO 9.1(2), and for that one, no license is required on 6.x or 7.x during the process, you only ask for licenses once you've done the last DRS restore on 9.1(2)

Sent from Cisco Technical Support Android App



if this helps, please rate

Hello Ismail,

I am planning to follow the same path as u mentioned but i dont want to upgrade on MCS server .as i have only one MCS publisher into network & its big risk to upgrade this server. As first of all while upgrade i need down time + if any thing wrong happened with upgrade the whole IPT network will effected & i will be in trouble. So i dont want to upgrade my MCS server to version 9.x.

I want to keep MCS running on 6.1.3.

I will do Fresh installation of 6.1.3 on UCS

Restore the database from MCS 6.1.3 to UCS 6.1.3

Perform upgrade on UCS to 6.1.5 & then to ver 9.0

As i mentioned earlier that i will install 6.1.3 on UCS but UCS start supports from CUCM 8.0, hence its Call Manager Service will be down. And in this case (when the call manager service is down) can i upgrade CUCM from 6.1.3 to 6.1.5 & then to 9.x ?

I just want to confirm that will this approach work ?

And I would like to thanks every body in this post who are reading it & sharing there useful thoughts.


As per the below link , after you upgrade to 6.1.5 ,you can do direct upgrade to v9.

Thank you

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You are right ismail, I am going today to upgrade to 6.1.5 & then ver 9.

I will update you all by the end of today


Hi Anis,

Do check your MCS hardware supports 9.x version.

Can  u share the exact MCS Hardware and output of show hardware/show status from MCS?




Finally I have upgraded to ver 9.1.2 on UCS but i am getting following error once i login into CUCM:

System version:

VMware Installation: 2 vCPU Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2609 0 @ 2.40GHz, disk 1: 110Gbytes, 6144Mbytes RAM, ERROR-UNSUPPORTED: Partitions unaligned

Can any body advise what this problem is about ?

Sorry Aman, i was busy in upgradation & i didnt able to get the hardware details of MCS server. I will share details with you by tomorrow.


Hi Anis,

Not able to comment much but may be the problem u are facing is due to BUG



Hi Anis

Please find the below link which will help you to get the problem reason:-

I think your issue , that you dont use OVA.This is one of the most important steps which allocate all required resources for your CUCM.

Thank you

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Please find the below diagram which will help you:-

On Jump migration:-

• Jump release doesn’t need licenses for interim versions

• Install the migrated license on Enterprise License Manager 9.1(x) during Unified CM’s

60 days demo mode

Thank you

please rate all useful information

Thank Islam for info.

As Aman shared the bug link i am doing the fresh installation of CUCM 9.1.2 on UCS & got stuck on NTP page.

The NTP address is tested and is accessible.

After selected i Proceed and Error message is presented:

NTP-based clock correction failed.  Verity the spelling of IP Address of the external NTP server,

That  the NTP servers are NTPv4 and prot 123 is not blocked, that the NTP  servers are running, reachable, and on a network with low delay and  jitter. At least one of the NTP servers must be accessible and working.

Can any one suggest whats the problem ? My NTP-DNS server are linux based in same UCS server but in different host machine.

Any comments ?


For UC NTP synchronize you should use linux based , windows not used as the following  bug . My advise for you to use NTP on your IOS router which will be so helpful. Please try the below

ntp master 1

ntp server loopback 0

ntp source loopback0

clock timezone (any name) (timezone)

#show ntp status              (to make sure from your NTP)>

on your CUCM just type the IP address for your loopback address.

Thank you

please rate all useful information


Finally i successfully upgraded my setup to UCS 9.1.2

Thank you so much for all to valuable adivses, specially to Aman who was with me from start

Now i have to do the same for Unity Connection.

My current unity connection is on MCS 2.1, what path should i follow to take it on UCS 9.1 ?