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Mobile Voice Access hairpinning set up 3 parts

Level 1
Level 1

Mobile Voice Access Using a Hairpinning Configuration

PSTN --- GW <-- MGCP --> CUCM

<-- H.323 -->

*The Unified Communications Manager Version used in this document was

*A Publisher and a Subscriber servers were used in this configuration

*The voice gateway used was a Cisco 2821 with the following hardware

2 Gigabit Ethernet Interfaces

48 Serial interfaces

4 Channelized T1/PRI ports

4 Voice FXO Interfaces

4 Voice FXS interfaces

*The IOS version used in our gateway was 12.4(3f)

-For the following example we will using 5311 as our incoming DID from the PSTN (4 digits)

-Our Mobile voice access number will be 3511

-The gateway used in this example was only configured as an MGCP gateway on our Unified Communications Manager, this gateway was also used to interconnect a ROLM 9755 using a CAS T1 connection.

It is assumed that you have already configured an RDP profile along with an Remote Destination Number as well the necessary settings have been applied to the UCM test user in CallManager.

Step 1.

Go to the UCM administration page

-Select the System TAB

-Select the Service parameters TAB

-For the server field, select the hostname/ip address of the publisher

-For the service field, select Cisco Callamanager

-Under Clusterwide Parameters (System-Mobility)

-Set the “Enable Enterprise Feature Access” parameter to True

-Set the “Enable Mobile Voice Access” parameter to True

-Proceed to Enter the Mobile Voice Access number that you are going to use in our case will be 3511

-Set the “Matching Caller ID with Remote Destination” parameter to “complete match” (by selecting this parameter the gateway will look for a “complete match” of digits coming from the PSTN and it will decide if is a complete match of an existing Destination Number then the user will be prompted for it's CCM user PIN number, if is not a complete match then the user will be prompted to enter its Remote Destination Number followed by the pound sign.

-In the other hand if you set the “Matching Caller ID with Remote Destination” parameter to “Partial Match” then the gateway is suppose to match the number of digits that you decide against an existing Destination number but will ONLY WORK WITH A DEDICATED H.323 GATEWAY and it will not work using a hairpinning set up which is our case.

Note: When setting the “Matching Caller ID with Remote Destination” parameter to “Partial Match” in this setup (a hairpinning set up) the Remote Destination user calling from a device that match a remote destination number will experience a silence when dialing our MVA DID

-Click save.

Step 2

-Go to the Media Resources TAB

-Select the Mobile Voice Access TAB

-On the Mobile Voice Access Directory Number field enter 3511

-On the Mobile voice Access Partition select a partition that is an accessible partition

-Proceed to select the desire Locale.

Step 3

-Telnet or SSH to the gateway that you are going to use.

-Under config mode proceed to enter the following command


Voice service voip

Allow-connections h323 to h323


Voice class h323 1

H225 timeout tcp establish 3



Service cmm http://[ip address of your publisher]:8080/ccmivr/pages/IVRMainpage.vxml


See the next steps

Cesar Fiestas

Cesar Fiestas

5 Replies 5

Level 1
Level 1

Step 4

-To verify that the vxml script along with the correct english locale was successfully loaded into our gateway issue the following commands

Yourgateway#sh call appl voic cmm

A sign that the vxml script and our English locate is properly configured and loaded will be

*if you are seeing the following code

Check the cmm url characters under application, if your url is incorrect proceed to make the necessary changes with the correct url also, visit the UCM administration page, select the Media Resources TAB , select Mobile Voice Access and click save, this will push out the vxml script to the voice gateway, you will also need to reboot your gateway, in order for the script to show correctly in your Voice Gateway.

Step 5

We will now proceed to create our Dial-Peers


dial-peer voice 5311 voip

service cmm

session target ipv4:[ip address of the publisher]

incoming called-number 5311 <------our incoming DID from the PSTN

codec g711ulaw


dial-peer voice 3511 voip

preference 1

destination-pattern 3511 <------our Mobile Voice Access DN

voice-class h323 1

session target ipv4:[ip address of the publisher]

dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric

codec g711ulaw

no vad


dial-peer voice 3512 voip

preference 2

destination-pattern 3511 <------our Mobile Voice Access DN

voice-class h323 1

session target ipv4:[ip address of the subscriber]

dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric

codec g711ulaw

no vad


dial-peer voice 5312 voip

service cmm

session target ipv4:[ip address of the subscriber]

incoming called-number 5311 <------our incoming DID from the PSTN

codec g711ulaw


Step 6

We will now proceed to create our h323 gateway in our UCM.

-Go to the UCM Administration page

-Select the Device TAB

-Select Gateway

-Select Add New

-For our gateway Type parameter select H.323 Gateway, click Next

- Enter the MGCP gateway ip address for the Device Name* parameter

-Proceed to the Select the desire Device pool

-Proceed to select the Correct Media Resource Group List, in my case I use

-Proceed to select the appropriate Location

-Proceed to check the Media Termination Point Required* field.

-Proceed to select the appropriate parameters for the Call routing information - Inbound Calls fields.

-For testing and for this example I am using the following parameters

Calling Search Space [Local-CSS]

AAR Calling Search Space [Local-CSS]

-Select Save.

See next Steps

Cesar Fiestas

Step 7

-For this example I will be using a Route Group Called “RG-Local” which will contain our H323 gateway IP address .

-For this example I have created a Route List called “RL_MVA_Devices” which have the RG-Local selected as a Route Group.

Step 8

-We will now proceed to create a route pattern that matches our inbound DID from the PSTN.

-For the route pattern* field we will enter our inbound DID number which for this document is 5311

-Proceed to select the appropriate route partition, for this example I have selected an open/default partition

-For the Gateway/Route List* Field we will select “RL_MVA_Devices”

-Route this pattern

-Call Clasification* “OffNet”

-Provide Outside Dial Tone

-Select Save.

Step 9

Finally we will need to add our Mobile-Voice-Access_RP partition to the Calling Search Space that we use in our H323 gateway

-Go to the UCM Administration page

-Go to the Call Routing Tab

-Go to the Class of Control Tab

-Select Calling Search Space

-Look for the Calling Search Space that you use for your H.323 gateway, in our case I use “Local-CSS”

-Proceed to add the appropriate Mobile Voice Access Partition to the selected partitions for the “Local-CSS”, in my case I will add the Mobile-Voice-Access-RP partition and I will put it on the 3rd level.

First my 911_PT

Second my Internal_PT

Third it will be our Mobile-Voice-Access_RP partition

-Click save.

At this point you should be able to dial the DID used to access the MVA, depending on your call manager service parameters configured, Unified Communications Manager /MVA IVR will answer the call and you will be prompted for enter your Remote Destination number followed by the pound sign, then you will be prompted to enter your PIN, once authenticated you will be able to start using the MVA feature at which point you can start dialing as if you were using an internal IP Phone.

While you are logged into MVA and during a call you can use the following default dtmf codes to.

Put a call in hold *81

Put a call in an exclusive hold *82

To resume a call *83

To transfer a call *84

To conference a party *85


Notes: You can Multiple DID's and Gateways for MVA, what you will need to do is for each DID/ GW pair, create a route pattern matching the did and route that call to its corresponding gateway, each gateway configuration will be similar to the one we configured. The incoming called-number statement has to match the DID local to that Site. The second dial-peer which matches destination-pattern XXXX will be same on all routers.

I have successfully reproduced the same configuration on a 3825 Voice Gateway located in Europe using an E1 with framing NO-CRC4, under mgcp conditions, with IOS version 12.4(11)xw5

For troubleshooting you may use

CCM SDI and SDL traces, MVA traces

Debug isdn q931, debug voice ccapi inout, debug voice application vxml application, debug voice application vxml all

For more information please the following documents

thanks to gonzalo and sheel

Cesar fiestas

Thanks for posting the info Cesar :d


Can you direct me where to change

to reflect "en_US"?



Level 1
Level 1

Hey Cesar,

I tried to follow your steps, but I'm still not succeeding: