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Level 1
Level 1


did any one configure multicast for MoH in multi site with centralized CCM, i know multicast is used to send one same copy of music to multiple parties at once instead of multiple same copies to multiple parties to keep BW?

1. how would this be reflected to ip phone users in remote sites who initiate MoH as they do not initiate MoH Simultaniously?

please can someone highlight this issue?

2. if someone has implemented this previoulsy please can you describe briefly config steps? is it efficient?


3 Replies 3

Avner Izhar
Level 3
Level 3


have done this quite a lot and it is a good solution for saving BW and call manager cpu cycles.

As per your questions, the ip phone users will not know the difference and the config steps are: enable mmoh on an audio source,server and mrg, set the server in an mrgl and assign it to devices.

HTH, Avner.

thanks Avner for ur response,

can u please tell me why is it multicast as users who initiate MoH do not initiate MoH Simultaniously?

i know config on ccm side, but what about config on routers or data side?

please help

Regarding why is it multicast even if the phones join in different times, it is always streamed to the network by your server. When the user (or network) moh is required, the phone simplly join the multicast and starts playing it. might be in the middle of the song, or close to the end.

As for data, every interface on the routes between the sites should be running ip multicast routing. So you need 'ip pim sparse-dense' on it and also 'ip multicast routing' on the device global config.

HTH, Avner.