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Phone administration by country / partition and auto login

Melany Nolan
Level 1
Level 1
Hi, anyone has experience on phone admin issue for a multi tenants cucm ? For example, I have users from multiple countries on a single call manager cluster, how can I allow only access for the phones on their respective countries? Any cisco or third party applications recommended? Besides, is there any solution that when user sign in their desktop, their cisco ip phone will be logged in automatically? Many thanks!
2 Replies 2

Martin Moran
Level 3
Level 3

Hi @melany1115,

You can create a different CSS for the countries you want to group and then assign the users to their respective CSS based on the country they're located in.

When you say that you want every user phone to be logged in automatically, you mean IP Phone or IP Communicator?


Martin, IT Specialist

Hi Martin,

I mean for different local phone administrator, they can only move/add/change on the phones of their own country. For example, uk phone admin can only view or modify uk phones/users, japan phone admin can only view or modify japan phones/users........I think CSS cannot achieve this?

for phone auto login, I mean physical ip phones, is it possible?

