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Problem in using Cisco 2811 router as fxo-gateway

Level 1
Level 1

Hi all

I have a cisco 2811 router with pvdm2-32 and vwic2- 4FX0 and IOS version of Router is 15.01 


when I use this router as a fxo gateway :

  in outgoing calls , the Co line is occupying but no connection to called number  is happening , 

  just some noise but the line is busy so that no one can call this isdn number from outside

  and when a incoming call comes from outside, nothing happens (debug on router shows nothing )


But when I use Grandstream FXO-gateway instead of cisco router , there is no problem and outgoing calls works very well

  I got these information from the recorded voice call (which is dialed with Grandstream as FXo gateway)

  Busy tone = 425

  on time frequency = 500

  off time frequency = 500 


would you please help me to fix this probably with changing my router configration?


This is my config on 2811 :


trunk group 1
max-calls voice 4
hunt-scheme round-robin


voice class dualtone-detect-params 1
freq-max-deviation 15
cadence-variation 8


voice class custom-cptone IR
dualtone busy
frequency 425
cadence 500 500
dualtone ringback
frequency 425 425
cadence 1000 4000
dualtone disconnect
frequency 425
cadence 500 498 499 501 503 497 496

voice-port 0/0/0
trunk-group 1
supervisory custom-cptone IR
supervisory dualtone-detect-params 1
timeouts initial 5
timeouts interdigit 3
timeouts call-disconnect 3
timeouts ringing 5
timeouts wait-release 5
timing hookflash-out 50
timing guard-out 1000
connection plar 599
description FXO1


dial-peer voice 100 pots
trunkgroup 1
destination-pattern [1-9]T
forward-digits all


1 Reply 1

Jaderson Pessoa
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

I hope that it can help you:
Jaderson Pessoa
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