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Setting up Hunt Group using an extension number instead of a pilot number

Level 1
Level 1

Hi Guys,

I would like to set up a hunt group. My question is can I use a real extension number assigned to a phone to be a pilot number instead of creating a new pilot number.


The requirements  are if no one is answering a call to an extension 1000 (extension 1000 is assigned to a user) it should be forwarded to 1001, 1002, 1003 and back to 1000. I was thinking of using 1000 as pilot number. Is that possible ?


Thanks Guys

8 Replies 8

Level 4
Level 4

Hi, what are the business requirements? Is every one used of dialling 1000 to reach a help desk for instance? If so make the pilot 1000 and change the persons number to something else.

Another possibility is to make 1000 Call forward no answer (perhaps shorten the call forward no answer timer) to a hunt group containing all the extensions.

Hi The requirement is to use the extension number 1000 (cannot change or use new pilot number) and if the user is not answering then the call should go to extn 1001, 1002,1003 and if still not answered then go back to 1000. So question is can I use an existing extension as a pilot number? Could you please let me know a bit more about how to configure call forward no answer and associate it to hunt group. Tks a lot

Hi Kuldeep,

What you are looking to configure is pretty straightforward. You need to use the 'Forward No Answer Internal' , 'Forward No Answer External' and 'No Answer Ring Duration (seconds)' settings on the DN page of  1000, 1001, 1002 and 1003. On DN page of 1000 you will specify the destination as 1001, on 1001 you will specify the destination as 1002, on 1002 you will specify the destination as 1003,  and on 1003 you will specify the destination as 1000.

However, consider the service parameter when using such a configuration:

This parameter specifies the maximum number of forwards that are allowed for a DN (directory number) at the same time. For example, a call that is received for DN 1000 and then forwarded to DN 5000, which has a forwarding designation that sends the call to DN 1000. This parameter limits the number of times the call can be forwarded when a forwarding loop occurs. Use this count to stop forward loops for all external calls, for example, intercluster IP phones and IP phone to PSTN where phones are forwarded to each other. Cisco CallManager terminates the call when the value specified in this parameter is exceeded.
 This is a required field.

I concur with manish.  You are only asking for trouble if you use the same DN in a different partition.  If you want a hunt group, create a hunt group.  Set it up for Top Down so it always goes in the same order.  If you want to use an existing DN, then set the forwarding based on your requirements.

Hi Guys,

Thank you very much for your suggestions. Here is what I have done:


With Manish's solution the call forwarding works upto the third phone then it got disengaged. Looks like there is a timer I need to increase so that the call will not time out. Could you please let me know which timer I have to adjust. I have checked the max forwards hops and they are set to 15-20 so don't think this is an issue. 


With regard to Jamie's solution, I have created a separate partition and assigned same DN 1000 to it. It works great when I call from inside. However when I call it from outside using the full E164 number the call goes to 1000 then it just go to the voicemail of 1000 if not answered. I have removed the settings under DN page so that it will not go to voicemail. After doing this the phone with extension 1000 keeps ringing until it times out. Not sure where the issue is here.

I have given a suggestion to my customer to use a new pilot number with hunt groups. I have tested this as well. When I call it from outside the call goes to all the five phones and it just keep going into circle until someone answered and that's what I want. But when I call DN 1000 from inside it goes to all the five phones and when I reaches to the last phone configured under the line group member the call then just dropped out. Is there a way to fix this so that when someone just dial the extension number from inside all the phones keep ringing in circle manner and did not drop until someone has answered it.


Thanks a lot guys.



I suspect you have the distribution algorithm set to Broadcast.  In regards to the hunt group, please do the following.

1) Under line group set Algorithm to Top down.  That will make it always go in the same order.  Make sure all of your hunt options are set to try next member.    Set line group members to the order you want them.  Set RNA Revision to the maximum amount of time to ring at any given phone.

2) Add Line group to hunt list and enable.

3) Finally at Hunt Pilot set the Maximum hunt timer to the maximum amount of time you want it to try before giving up.  Set your Forward Hunt no answer and forward hunt busy to forward to wherever you want them to go.  If that destination is a voicemail box, set this to the hunt pilot of your voicemail server.  Most important, if the final destination is a voice mail box, set the Called Party Transform mask to the destination mailbox DN.

You should be able to do so, just bear in mind that you'll never be able to reach that phone directly unless you adjust the CSS.

Simply create that hunt pilot with the same DN, on another partition, and make sure that partition is above the one from the phone on the CSS of calling devices. The line group will contain all those 4 DNs you want, with 1000 as the last one.



if this helps, please rate

Hari Prasad
Level 1
Level 1

Hi Kuldeep,

Please follow below solution which i am using in my office also.


As you require  1000 DN to be dialed as Hunt Pilot and routed to rest of the DNs.

So do below steps.


1-Create a Line group and add the DN numbers this way 1001,1002,1003 and 1000 , algorithh would be Top to down.

2-Create a Hunt List and put static number like 01234 which is not in DN range.

3- Add the above Line Group to Hunt list.

4-Create a Hunt Pilot  01234 , specify the Hunt Timer as you required and add the Hunt List-01234 into Hunt Pilot.

5- Now go to Directory Number configuration of 1000 and specify the 01234 Hunt pilot number in call forwarding setting of DN 1000 except in Calling Search Space Activation Policy forward all and Forward on CTI Failure.

It will surely work.




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Thanks, Hari Prasad