Hello, I'm looking to update our NTP server on our call manager. I've read instructions on how to add it and they say to restart the NTP service. Should this be done when no one is using the system? I'm worried it might affect network connectivity.
utils ntp server add x.x.x.x
utils ntp restart
After completing this do I need to do any other configurations either in CLI or on the web interface to get this working?
We are getting the errors below which caused me to look into the issue.
WARNING: NTP server unreachable (on the login page of CUCM web interface)
admin:utils diagnose test
Log file: platform/log/diag2.log
Starting diagnostic test(s)
test - disk_space : Passed (available: 1579 MB, used: 12577 MB)
skip - disk_files : This module must be run directly and off hours
test - service_manager : Passed
test - tomcat : Passed
test - tomcat_deadlocks : Passed
test - tomcat_keystore : Passed
test - tomcat_connectors : Passed
test - tomcat_threads : Passed
test - tomcat_memory : Passed
test - tomcat_sessions : Passed
skip - tomcat_heapdump : This module must be run directly and off hours
test - validate_network : Error, intra-cluster communication is broken, unabl e to connect to [] Error, intra-cluster c ommunication is broken, unable to connect to []
test - raid : Passed
test - system_info : Passed (Collected system information in diagnostic log)
test - ntp_reachability : Failed
The host is not reachable, or it's NTP service is down.
admin:utils ntp status
ntpd (pid 12214) is running...
remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
============================================================================== .INIT. 16 u 4 1024 0 3.030 -0.044 0.000
I'm wondering why it's point to when that isn't our actual NTP server ( device is configured to point to the actual NTP server, but I don't see why our call manager shouldn't be pointed to it directly).
Thanks for any help, much appreciated!