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VG 224 Configuration

Wilson Samuel
Level 7
Level 7

Hi All,

I have been trying to figure out how to add VG224 on to the CUCM 7.1.

As per the config guide of 204, it needs to be configured as a SCCP Gateway by following commands:

sccp local interface-type  interface-number port port-number

ccm-manager sccp local interface-type interface-number

ccm-manager sccp

And rest of the configuration should be done through the CUCM.

However with respect to VG224, either the guide doesnt seem to be very clear.

So, my question would be is VG224 is configured the similar way as the VG204?

Any help is greatly appreciated

Kind Regards

PS: Guide for VG224 Voice

Config Guide for VG204

4 Replies 4

Tommer Catlin
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

Here is a copy of mine.  In CUCM, you have to add the device as SKIGW23335eb478  the last digits are the mac address of the VG you are adding into CUCM.

version 12.4
no service pad
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname VG224-8
logging message-counter syslog
enable secret
enable password
no aaa new-model
ip source-route
no ip routing
no ip cef
no ipv6 cef
stcapp ccm-group 1
voice-card 0
log config
interface FastEthernet0/0
ip address x.x.x.x
no ip route-cache
duplex full
speed auto
interface FastEthernet0/1
no ip address
no ip route-cache
duplex auto
speed auto
ip forward-protocol nd
ip route x.x.x.x
ip http server
voice-port 2/0
timeouts ringing infinity
voice-port 2/1
timeouts ringing infinity
voice-port 2/2
timeouts ringing infinity
voice-port 2/3
timeouts ringing infinity
voice-port 2/4
timeouts ringing infinity
voice-port 2/5
timeouts ringing infinity
voice-port 2/6
timeouts ringing infinity
voice-port 2/7
timeouts ringing infinity
voice-port 2/8
timeouts ringing infinity
voice-port 2/9
timeouts ringing infinity
voice-port 2/10
timeouts ringing infinity
voice-port 2/11
timeouts ringing infinity
voice-port 2/12
timeouts ringing infinity
voice-port 2/13
timeouts ringing infinity
voice-port 2/14
timeouts ringing infinity
voice-port 2/15
timeouts ringing infinity
voice-port 2/16
timeouts ringing infinity
voice-port 2/17
timeouts ringing infinity
voice-port 2/18
timeouts ringing infinity
voice-port 2/19
timeouts ringing infinity
voice-port 2/20
timeouts ringing infinity
voice-port 2/21
timeouts ringing infinity
voice-port 2/22
timeouts ringing infinity
voice-port 2/23
timeouts ringing infinity
ccm-manager sccp local FastEthernet0/0
ccm-manager sccp
sccp local FastEthernet0/0
sccp ccm x.x.x.x identifier 1
sccp ccm group 1
bind interface FastEthernet0/0
associate ccm 1 priority 1
dial-peer voice 20 pots
service stcapp
port 2/0
dial-peer voice 21 pots
service stcapp
port 2/1
dial-peer voice 22 pots
service stcapp
port 2/2
dial-peer voice 23 pots
service stcapp
port 2/3
dial-peer voice 24 pots
service stcapp
port 2/4
dial-peer voice 25 pots
service stcapp
port 2/5
dial-peer voice 26 pots
service stcapp
port 2/6
dial-peer voice 27 pots
service stcapp
port 2/7
dial-peer voice 28 pots
service stcapp
port 2/8
dial-peer voice 29 pots
service stcapp
port 2/9
dial-peer voice 210 pots
service stcapp
port 2/10
dial-peer voice 211 pots
service stcapp
port 2/11
dial-peer voice 212 pots
service stcapp
port 2/12
dial-peer voice 213 pots
service stcapp
port 2/13
dial-peer voice 214 pots
service stcapp
port 2/14
dial-peer voice 215 pots
service stcapp
port 2/15
dial-peer voice 216 pots
service stcapp
port 2/16
dial-peer voice 217 pots
service stcapp
port 2/17
dial-peer voice 218 pots
service stcapp
port 2/18
dial-peer voice 219 pots
service stcapp
port 2/19
dial-peer voice 220 pots
service stcapp
port 2/20
dial-peer voice 221 pots
service stcapp
port 2/21
dial-peer voice 222 pots
service stcapp
port 2/22
dial-peer voice 223 pots
service stcapp
port 2/23
line con 0
password cisco1
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
password cisco1

Thank you very much for your reply.

So, all I have to do is enable SCCP and then make the changes on the CUCM (for the FXS ports), that will get done to the VG224 (just as in a MGCP Gateway).


Im not sure about the rest of your config.

I have to manually add the dial peer below SCCP configs.  And also add in the stcapp ccm-group 1
stcapp command.

Then it should register in CUCM for SCCP.

You can do a show sccp at the vg224 and it will tell you if it is talking to cucm.

Level 4
Level 4

I have mine set up as an MGCP gateway. It is used for modems and fax lines.

Here is what mine looks like:


ccm-manager redundant-host 192.XX.XX.XXX 192.XX.XX.XXX
ccm-manager mgcp
no ccm-manager fax protocol cisco
ccm-manager music-on-hold
ccm-manager config server 192.XX.XX.XX
ccm-manager config

The voice ports simply look like this:

voice-port 2/0
voice-port 2/1
voice-port 2/2

Then just add the gateway to CUCM as a VG224 and configure your ports with extensions.

Works perfectly.

