I am testing selective QinQ with EoMPLS in ES20.
I am eceiving vlans 30-200 from customer and tagging with outer vlan 250.Then i need to send this to a remote PE over EoMPLS and outer vlan to be stripped out by a switch connecting to remote PE.
Following is my config in 7600-ES20
hostname 7600-ES20
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
ip arp inspection limit none
no ip address
mls qos trust dscp
service instance 11 ethernet
encapsulation dot1q 30-200
bridge-domain 250
interface Vlan250
no ip address
xconnect 250250 encapsulation mpls
EoMPLS is Up, but 7600 neither getting remote-CE mac address nor sending local-CE mac-address to remote-side..
Is this because inner vlan getting stripped out before sending the frame in EoMPLS circuit (Vlan Mode)?
How this can be achivable?