Attempted to apply service-policy output MPLS-EGRESS to ATM Int:
class-map match-any GOLD
match mpls experimental topmost 5
match ip precedence 5
class-map match-any BRONZE
match mpls experimental topmost 3
match ip precedence 3
class-map match-any SILVER
match mpls experimental topmost 4
match ip precedence 4
policy-map MPLS-EGRESS
class GOLD
priority percent 5
set mpls experimental topmost 5
class SILVER
bandwidth percent 10
set mpls experimental topmost 4
class BRONZE
bandwidth percent 20
set mpls experimental topmost 3
class class-default
set mpls experimental topmost 0
interface ATM4/0.102 point-to-point
description TRUNK LINK TO PE_B
bandwidth 16000
ip address
no ip redirects
no ip proxy-arp
ip ospf message-digest-key xxx
no snmp trap link-status
mpls ip
pvc PE_B 10/102
tx-ring-limit 3
oam-pvc manage
encapsulation aal5snap
service-policy output MPLS-EGRESS
And it *appears* to apply without error, but logs show:
Jul 28 09:34:32.550 aest: %SCHED-3-SEMLOCKED: Virtual Exec attempted to lock a semaphore, already locked by itself -Traceback= 0x61317864 0x62658A88 0x620F0A4C 0x60DD3668 0x60DD5648 0x6135ABD8 0x61379744 0x62644508 0x626444EC
Jul 28 09:34:33.870 aest: I/f ATM4/0.102 VC 10/102 class GOLD requested bandwidth 0 (kbps), available only 0 (kbps)
And ATM4/0.102 does not include the service-policy output MPLS-EGRESS when I do a show run nor when I do a sho policy-map interface?