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Changing hostname ACS 5.3

Level 1
Level 1

I have a ACS cluster combination with primairy and secundairy ACS (5.3). Both ACS nodes are moved from one location to an other.

Name wise the names of the ACS nodes should be renamed cause it is build with it's location code.


The secundairy ACS is registered to the primairy and also the ACS Server License has it's old name in the licensed part.

Can I do this without causing any problems to the fucntionality of this ACS cluster and is there a procedure availlable?


Can someone help me with this ?


1 Accepted Solution

Accepted Solutions

Thanks Huub, definitely let's us know of the results! 

View solution in original post

6 Replies 6

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

I have never had to do this in ACS and don't have a spare box to test this on, however, I am certain that the following will have issues and will have to be re-done:

1. AD Integration: ACS actually creates a computer object for each ACS node in your AD. After you change the names I would check the AD connection and if needed re-join the ACS nodes

2. Your distributed system / cluster configuration will probably break/disconnect. Make sure you check that and if needed re-configure and ensure that the primary instance is seeing the secondary

3. Certificates: If you have any certs issued to those nodes, you will most likely have to re-issue and re-import them. Usually the certs are tied to the CN (Common Name) which is usually the FQDN and in your case that will change

4. Licensing: I actually don't think that you will have issues with the licenses. They are definitely not tied to the hostname. I had to re-build my ACS ones and the hostname, IP and MAC changed and ACS took my license without any issues. 

5. DNS: Make sure you update that :)

This is all I have...perhaps someone else can chime in here with more experience.


Thank you for rating helpful posts!

Thanks Neno,


I'm gona check the points you mentioned. I'm  thinking about it and will create a plan to do.

I will let you know what the results are.


Kind regards, Huub



Thanks Huub, definitely let's us know of the results! 

Hi all,


It took some time but I changed the names of the ACS cluster without any problems. This with help of you all.  I have added the steps I did which were working fine for me.

Thanks for your help  :-)


1) Check database backup
2) Change Log collector from secondary ACS to Primary (via web management) en check status (show application status acs, via console en admin account)
3) Check status primary ACS (via admin ssh console: show application status acs)

Process 'database'                  running
Process 'management'                running
Process 'runtime'                   running
Process 'view-database'             running
Process 'view-jobmanager'           running
Process 'view-alertmanager'         running
Process 'view-collector'            running
Process 'view-logprocessor'         running
4) Deregister de secondary acs (via de primary ACS web interface)
5) Delete de deregistered secondary ACS (via de primary ACS web interface)
6) Login de primary ACS with the admin account (SSH)
7) Conf t
8) Change hostname primary ACS, hostname …….
9) Change hostname secondary ACS  (acs stopped not automatically in our situation )
10) Register the secondary acs via web interface naar de primary. (Remark: The admin or acsadmin account won't work this should be an account with Superadmin rights , this is working fine !)
11) The secondary acs is visiable on the primairy acs
12) Activate the secondary acs via het web interface op de primary acs   (it gives an notice when this is done)
13) The instance name was not updated, this should be done in edit mode on the primairy acs. After this the status is pending.... updated.
14) Change the collector to the secondary acs via web interface.
15) Check status of prim. and sec. acs.


Process 'database'                  running
Process 'management'                running
Process 'runtime'                   running
Process 'view-database'             running
Process 'view-jobmanager'           running
Process 'view-alertmanager'         running
Process 'view-collector'            running
Process 'view-logprocessor'         running



(hostname)/admin# sh application status acs


Process 'database'                  running
Process 'management'                running
Process 'runtime'                   running


Glad things went well! Also, thank you for taking the time to come back and update everyone on the results/solution (+5) from me!

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Contact TAC as it is a live environment, if you have smartnet services